Chapter 232

When Louis arrived back at the studio, Leanna was happily chatting with Zoe. The smile on her face instantly vanished upon realizing he had returned with dirty, rumpled clothing and bruises on his face. Frowning, she hurried over to him and asked, "What happened to you, Louis?"

"Nothing much." He looked away. "There are only a few bruises. Don't worry."

"How can I not worry? You were fine when you left. Be honest with me; where did you go?"

"Yeah, Louis," Zoe interjected, walking over. "What happened to you? Tell us."

Leanna frowned harder; she had a bad feeling about this. "Did you—"

"It is only a fight with a classmate," he interrupted calmly. "It is not as bad as you think."

"Why on earth would you be fighting with a classmate?"

"Well, the fight is over." It was obvious that he did not want to elaborate further. "There is no point in asking why."

Leanna did not believe him. She was about to say something when Zoe stopped her with a tug on the arm. "Let it be. He is a hot-blooded young man. It is normal for him to get into scuffles with his classmates. Don't worry so much. He is an adult now. He knows when to stop."

She then tugged Louis on the arm. "Well, don't just stand there. Attend to the injuries on your face. Don't let them get infected."

"Okay," he replied.

He turned and headed into the break room at the back of the studio.

Once he was gone, Zoe nudged Leanna with her elbow. "Are you still worried?"

Leanna shook her head. "It just feels like he was not telling the truth."

Louis was not an impulsive man. Why would he ever get into a fight with his classmate just because of a clash of opinions?

Also, he had clearly left the studio to attend to something important.

"He did not tell you the truth because he was worried you would overthink," Zoe said. "You saw him, right? He is still capable of standing. He will be fine."

"Hopefully." Leanna let out a heavy sigh.

A few minutes later, the door to the break room opened.

Louis, who was holding gently dabbing antiseptic liquid onto his wounds with a cotton swab, turned to find Leanna standing in the doorway. "I really am fine," he said, putting down the cotton swab.

Leanna sat down beside him on the couch and stuck a Band-Aid on him. "A fight with a classmate is no trivial matter. After all, you could just talk it out."

He pursed his lips and kept quiet.

"I will let it be this time, but this will not happen again."

"Okay," he replied.

"I will be heading to Weavside tomorrow evening, but I will be back in a few days," she said. "Spend that time looking for a new place. You cannot keep living with Daniel."

"I do not think he did it on purpose," he said after a pause; he knew what she was hinting at.

"I do not care if it was done on purpose. It is all in the past now, and there is no use in explanations. I merely think it would not be nice to trouble him by staying at his place for too long. Surely you have noticed by now that nothing else has happened to me since then."

He nodded. "I will move out tomorrow."

"Find a new home first," she reminded, standing up. "As for the money, I will—"

"I have my own money," he interrupted sulkily.

She chuckled. "Okay. I will leave it to you, then."

Just as she was about to leave the room, he suddenly asked, "How are things between you and Elijah?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you were going to try it out, right? What do you think?"

It took a moment before she replied. "You were right. I do not like him. No matter how much we tried, there is no use."

"Then..." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. "Will you be getting back together with Aidan?"

She froze, likely because she had not expected him to ask that. For a moment, she was at a loss for words.

Seeing that, he cleared his throat and continued, "I just think he is not as detestable as before. If you... If you still like him, I will have no objections."

Leanna could not help but laugh at that. "Did you not just chase him off? What is with the sudden change in attitude?"

"I did not chase him off," Louis protested. "I only wanted him to think carefully and avoid doing anything that would hurt you—"

"Alright," she interrupted. "Leave this alone. Well, we do not have much work today. Let's go out for our meal later."

As she reached the door, she paused and turned to ask him, "Should I invite Daphne?"

He blinked back at her. "She is your friend. Why are you asking me that?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just asking," she replied, doing her best to suppress her smirk. "She had to leave the country because of you. I wonder if she is back yet. Well, we should at least apologize and thank her in person, right?"

He silently looked away. After clearing his throat, he pursed his lips and replied, "You are right."

"I will ask her if she is back in the country."

She then raised an eyebrow at him and left the room.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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