Chapter 365

Meanwhile, Daniel went up to the second floor and gave Elijah a call. "I guess my cover is blown, so I think we need to pause our plan."

Having prepared for the day that they were exposed, Elijah curiously asked, "How did that happen?"

"I got careless." Daniel sat on the couch and added, "I met up with Leanna to discuss the equity transfer agreement she was handed earlier, but I didn't realize Lloyd had his men spying on us until it was too late. That slippery old man isn't going to give up so easily even though he has no idea what we were talking about."

"Alright, I heard you. However, we don't have any useful leads at the moment, so even if we really get exposed, Lloyd is not going to get anything much that will dispel his doubts." Upon pausing for a few seconds, Elijah added, "Anyway, I think you're probably going to be followed by his men for a while, so keep your eyes peeled."

After hanging up the call, Daniel looked outside the window in a preoccupied manner. Deep down, he believed Lloyd was just trying to lure him into the light by handing Leanna the equity transfer agreement, knowing he had a bigger ulterior motive behind him. In the meantime, Lloyd's men were secretly observing Daniel in the shadows from afar but failed to notice anything strange with the latter. After all, the only place he went to after leaving his piano lounge was the bar.

On the other hand, Leanna was still busy completing her drafts even though it had already turned dark on the outside. Soon, she was interrupted by a knock on the door, whereupon Zoe poked her head into her room and asked, "Aren't you going to make a move, Leanna?"

"I-I'll probably leave a little later." Leanna looked up.

"Alright then, it's raining outside, so don't forget to bring an umbrella with you when you leave. You don't want to catch a cold after all." Zoe put on a mischievous smile.

"Okay. Stay safe on your way home." Leanna nodded. As soon as Zoe disappeared from sight, she stretched herself and cracked her tight neck. It was then that her attention was caught by the rain that was pitter-pattering on the roof on the outside. She then shifted her gaze to the clock and realized it was almost 9.00PM. Wondering whether Aidan was coming over, she reached for her phone to give the man a call, but before she was about to do so, she heard footsteps approaching the door.

Thinking it was Aidan, Leanna walked up to the door and opened it, only to see Ron standing outside. The man was drenched from head to toe in a disheveled manner. As he walked closer to Leanna, the lady backed away in fear. Sensing the lady's terror, Ron stopped in his tracks and said, "I have news about Jethro."

"Where is he?" Leanna frowned and asked.

"I need money." Ron made his point without beating around the bush.

"How much?" Leanna pursed her lips.

"Five hundred grand."

"I don't have that much money now, but I promise tomorrow…"

"I want it tonight." Ron cut the lady short.

As Leanna was about to say something more, she noticed red water dripping onto the ground, believing Ron was injured. A few seconds later, she gave him a card and said, "This card has three hundred grand inside. For the balance, I'll transfer it to you with my phone."

"Thank you." Ron took the card and replied, "Jethro is now in an abandoned warehouse, so you'd better not rush into a bad decision recklessly. He is smart, and he knows the place well. So, if you're not in a hurry, I'll go there again in the next few days. I promise I won't let him get away again this time."

Leanna nodded in response. "Alright, I heard you. Like I said earlier, I will honor my promise and pay you the rest of the money as soon as you find him. Not a single penny less." After that, Ron turned around and was about to disappear in the rain when he heard Leanna's voice again. "Wait."

Ron looked back and stared at the lady in the rain.

"Where are you going?"

"To the hospital."

Leanna responded with silence for a few seconds and grabbed her car keys. "Let me give you a ride there. God knows how long it's going to take until you flag down a cab that is willing to stop for you." At the lady's words, Ron was surprised, standing in the rain without saying anything. In the meantime, Leanna couldn't care less about cleaning the mess, even though she noticed the rainwater on the ground was slowly turning red. She then double-backed to her office and grabbed her car keys, as well as her important belongings and two umbrellas. After locking her office, she came back out and gave Ron an umbrella. "My car is over there. Let's go."

Ron hesitated for a few moments before he eventually decided to take the umbrella from Leanna's hand. After the duo entered the car, the lady asked, "Which hospital do you want to head to?"

Ron soon gave Leanna an address before she proceeded to get her GPS ready. As the rain became heavier and heavier, Ron, who had remained silent for most of the time, asked, "You do know that you're alone with me, don't you? Aren't you afraid that I'd do something terrible to you?"

With her eyes fixed on the road ahead, Leanna replied, "You could have done that back in the office if that was your intention. I wouldn't have been a match for you in a fight anyway, so it wasn't necessary for you to go through so much trouble."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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