Chapter 7 Finalize the Procedure on Monday

Meanwhile, Harper had just stepped out of the ward, and tears immediately streamed down her cheeks.

She thought she had prepared herself for this moment after Benjamin suggested divorce the night before. Yet, seeing him with Lauren still pained her deeply.

Harper felt as if something was continuously gnawing at her heart until it became numb.

Afterward, she returned to their home, Pineview Villa. It was a wedding gift from Benjamin's grandfather, Paul Martin. Harper had lived there since their wedding day, marking a year full of memories that were now coming to an end.

And I'll need to start

Mitchell family, she realized she

ready, Harper drove back

hadn't come back often because she had long known that

woken up from coma and Benjamin hasn't left her side since. Are we really just going to sit

at the Mitchell Group and prepare for the next design competition," the beautiful and gentle

Lauren's name, but she didn't linger to listen further. Instead, she immediately


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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