Chapter 43 Was It Deliberate?

Harper was simply taken aback and immediately denied the possibility. "How could it be? He wishes we had no relationship. He's eager to marry Lauren, so how could he be unwilling to divorce me?" It was so ridiculous.

She was not too stupid to buy it.

After all, this was not possible.

Frank hesitated and thought for a few seconds before saying, "Maybe I misinterpreted. Since you have decided to divorce, don't put it off. After all, you will split up sooner or later. Any delay won't do either of you any good, will it?"

"Yes, you're right."

Sensing that she was not in a good mood, Frank carefully explained, "Harper, I don't mean to interfere with your affairs. I'm afraid that you will suffer."

Harper said, "I didn't blame you. Didn't you say we were friends? So, we should trust each other. How could I misunderstand you?"

"I overthought. I am sorry."

"Okay. I forgive you."

They smiled across the phone and did not continue the topic. Harper asked about work matters. She said, "We will officially start cooperation with Summit Realty after the contract is finalized. As Party A, the Martin Group must have the highest demands, so we have to be mentally prepared. The current drawings may be completely overturned when the Martin Group reviews them."

"I see, and I have already informed others in advance. Do you plan to be solely responsible for this project yourself or involve other designers from the company?"

"No need. Let me take charge. You can contact other partners. In addition, let's arrange things after we leave."

"Okay. I got it." Frank whispered.

Harper fell silent, took a breath quietly, and then made up an excuse to end the call.

She opted to pursue architecture to share a common interest with Benjamin. The Martin Group's diverse business encompassed real estate and architecture from its inception, motivating her desire to become an architect to forge a closer connection with him.

She knew that only outstanding people could stand side by side with him. For this reason, she put in a lot of hard work and effort to be the best of the best. It would only take Benjamin a little more attention to find out, but as their divorce loomed, he remained unaware of her identity.

Harper felt so frustrated.

wouldn't take the initiative to bring it


Mitchell family also knew that Paul

She believed it was important to inform the Mitchell family and that the friendship between both families would endure despite the divorce. So, she emphasized, "Even though Harper and Benjamin break up, we

a surge of anger. She indifferently replied to Lily,


an appointment

something going on outside and ended

turned cold. She threw the phone on the coffee table and said furiously, "What does Harper mean? Does

for the company when the news

Harper. If you were more attentive to her, how could you not even be aware that she's

displeased look. "You're an irresponsible mother. You must convince Harper and stop her from

With that, he left.

because she could no longer bear children. She had sacrificed a lot these years to consolidate her own identity and prevent the illegitimate children from causing trouble. Therefore, she must not allow Harper to

they can't sustain their marriage, maybe divorce is for the best. It will be bad for anyone if things persist like this." "No way! She must not get divorced.

tricks. Sitting aside,

evening, Benjamin returned

his car, Harper quickly stood

met at

asked, "What happened

I had other things to deal with in the afternoon," Benjamin

asked, "Were you

what do you mean? Do you think I deliberately

say that," Harper said in a low

just wanted to figure it out. She didn't know why

go out together tomorrow morning. If you have other things to handle in the company, it should be okay to postpone it for half

betrayed impatience. He said indifferently, "Then, let's make it

that, he walked directly past her

It was only Harper who used to say nothing. Yet,

calmly and found her eyes were

was unhappy that they didn't

Harper was no longer curious and returned to her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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