Chapter 56 Should I Tell Him?

Lauren lingered for a while before her manager Rue whisked her away. She was swamped with tasks lately - releasing a single and shooting a promotional video. She had a heavyweight supporter like the Martin Group. Besides, her comeback had caused quite a stir in the industry.

Blessings to her poured in from other celebrities.

But amidst the excitement, Lauren fretted over one thing: she wanted to enlist the help of a renowned composer and lyricist, Isaac Whitman, for her new song. However, Isaac hadn't appeared in public for a while, and reaching him seemed impossible.

After some contemplation, Lauren resolved to confide in Benjamin. "Benjamin, I want to invite Isaac Whitman to write lyrics for my song, but I can't find his contact. Can you help?" "Isaac Whitman?"

"Yes, him. Despite his absence, he's still revered by artists and fans alike. If he collaborates, I believe it'll yield great results. Can you help?"

He had become popular since he was young. He was very talented, but he was aloof and rarely interacted with others. Very few people could come into contact with him.

Benjamin hesitated. "Contacting him will be difficult. Can your comeback wait? How about I ask Curtis to approach another talented songwriter?"

"Benjamin, please. I really want Isaac to write my song's lyrics."

Lauren's insistence was not only to demonstrate Benjamin's care but also to save face in front of Harper.

She couldn't afford to be rebuffed, especially in Harper's presence.

Benjamin became serious, his gaze turning cold.

Seeing this, Lauren's eyes welled up. "Benjamin, I'm sorry for overstepping. I shouldn't have troubled you. It's my fault for being too presuming. I just want to better myself, to find the person I was a year ago, I..."

"I'll have Curtis reach out, but I can't promise anything."

With a furrowed brow, Benjamin's countenance remained impassive.

"Thank you! I knew I could count on you."

Lauren's smile radiated happiness, every fiber of her being brimming with joy.

She cast a thriving glance at Harper, silently asserting, "See? He cares for me the most."

As if to say again, "Harper, have you seen it? The person Benjamin loves most is me." Harper, however, barely reacted to her behaviors.

been indifferent to Lauren's

almost half a month, Benjamin

respites when Lauren was around,

Benjamin didn't want Lauren to overexert herself or if he simply

dwell on it. She hoped Benjamin would soon be discharged, especially since the Martin family had begun to suspect something, as they hadn't gone back home in weeks. Upon his discharge, Harper received a call from

"Harper, what's going on with you and Benjamin? Has he mistreated

questions indicated

tinged with a hint of amusement, injected the conversation,

your wife, or you'll regret it. Taking

"Alright, I'll bring her."

phone to Harper, Benjamin's gaze remained fixed

calmly, "Why are you

I need to check if I take good care of you, or he'll

a playful

has been taking care

tell Grandpa?" His sudden closeness caught Harper off

him I made you

grasped her hand, chuckling

wondering if he was somewhat drawn

she quickly

could never fall for

with any woman as long as they

as they arrived at the Martin Manor, Paul looked at Harper and

He looked worried.

him, "I'm

she occasionally vomited, it

press further. Instead, he shifted his

you still respect me


the family. Hiding your injury from me because of a

completely healed. Benjamin tried his best to remain normal.

expression hardened, his eyes darting to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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