Chapter 112

Eye Sculpture was completely gone, and even the indentation on the stone wall was nowhere to be found.

Oliver searched carefully, and everyone else stared at the entrance, wondering why they couldn’t see the mechanism that was clearly present when they entered the tunnel.

Unnoticed by everyone, Louis and Yoseph, who were at the back, took the opportunity and intentionally stayed behind. They hid in the corner, with Yoseph standing against the stone wall and allowing Louis to climb onto his shoulders.

Standing on Yoseph’s shoulders, Louis reached out and touched the top of the passage. He took out a dagger from the sheath on his leg and used the tip of the dagger to pry out the luminous pearl.

The two of them had already planned it well. They would follow Oliver out of Enchanting Tunnel, deliberately fall behind at the exit, and then collect a few luminous pearls to take back.

As long as they exited Enchanting Tunnel, they were no longer afraid that Oliver would leave them behind.

Louis carefully pried out one luminous pearl and put it in his pocket.

Yoseph stood below, turning his hea

and watching Louis pry the luminous pearl. Yoseph was both excited and thrilled, urging Louis in a low voice, “Louis, quickly… Pry faster and get more of them…”

The two of them were both thinking about how much each luminous pearl was worth. In reality, they had no idea, but Gabriel had told them that these luminous pearls were the highest quality and worth millions of dollars each.

Louis moved quickly and skillfully, prying out five pearls in no time. These luminous pearls were/about 5.5 feet apart. After prying out five of them, they were almost 33 feet away from the entrance.

Louis and Yoseph were so engrossed in prying the luminous pearls that they didn’t realize they had gone deep into the tunnel.

Suddenly, the tunnel rumbled. Louis turned his head and saw that the entrance of the tunnel was collapsing, with rocks falling and sealing off the passage completely.

Louis was stunned, and Yoseph’s expression changed as well. They were shocked for a moment before Yoseph pushed Louis away and rushed over to try to move the boulders blocking the passage.

However, the boulders weighed thousands upon thousands of pounds, and human strength wasn’t enough to move them.

blocking the passage were not just one or two but countless. The passage was completely sealed off

their faces turned pale. They began pulling and pushing

outside couldn’t be heard. There were only the echoes from the passage reverberating inward. “Mr. Eastwood…

If you hadn’t been so greedy

moved me inside, how could I have pried any of the luminous pearls? You only care about the good things, but

blame it on me?”

desolation, he quickly took off his backpack and said, “Let’s use explosives.

the backpack, they couldn’t find any explosives. Louis’ backpack was already placed at the exit of

shocked by the violent collapse. When the dust settled, they looked at the tunnel entrance and realized that it was completely sealed off. There was no way to go back

while to recover and then asked Wayne, “What about the explosives? Do we

cave, he didn’t plan to give up. He had to

his hands and said, “Mr. Eastwood, the explosives are in Louis’ backpack, and they are trapped inside


blank, and he turned

also at a loss and shrugged, saying, “Their own greed caused this. They brought it upon themselves!” Hailey was still unconscious, and Oliver was very worried. Wayne checked her and said, “Mr. Eastwood, don’t worry too much. Ms.

to see Sienna gazing at the sky in a daze. Suddenly, he wondered

his expression of

tunnel entrance to see if there was any

had the explosives in hand, in this situation, there was no way

his head. Then he quietly walked behind Sienna and sat down beside

a moment.

Sienna asked, “How

honestly replied, “She’s unconscious, but there’s nothing serious. It’s just

and said, “How can she not be heartbroken? She has lost her parents and loved ones. Oliver… please comfort

deeply moved. Although Sienna was stubborn and domineering, she

is indeed pitiful.

suddenly realized that Sienna was even more pitiful. She didn’t have much time left, and she had come here to find a solution for herself. But now, in

He couldn’t help but open the collar of Sienna’s shoulder

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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