Chapter 147

Will could only smile bitterly.

Jenifer glimpsed at Oliver with his eyes full of adores.

Every aspect of this man was full of charm that made her fall in love. The more she looked at Oliver, the more she liked him.

She had never fallen in love with any man since she was an arrogant child, and her family still kept spoiling her.

The older generation of the Woods family, including her father and grandfather, literally treated Jenifer, the only girl in three generations, as a princess.

The Woods family really hoped that Jenifer and Levi would eventually walk together to the altar, which would help their family business on two sides grow stronger.

But Jenifer looked down on Levi completely and never gave a smiling face to him. And the elders of the Woods family never forced her to marry Levi.

Besides, Levi really had a notorious reputation outside. He changed a little only because of Jenifer. The moment he saw Jenifer, he was into her totally.

In fact, Will and Jenifer didn’t know much about Oliver, but they were impressed by his personality charisma from wood gambling in that wood processing factory to now.

What Will felt most was that Oliver was unfathomable but reliable.

Apart from Oliver, all other men would fall for a beautiful and rich girl like his sister. Who wouldn’t?

Besides, his sister even took the initiative to show feelings for Oliver. Yet Oliver has no response at all. He even refused her sister, face to face.

An insightful man like Will surely knew that Oliver’s refusal was genuine. He was not playing hard-to-get.

In fact, Jenifer had a high IQ. She studied financial management at a famous foreign university and obtained her doctorate by herself rather than relying on her family’s money and influence.

identification skills. She felt that it was incredible. No matter how hard she thought about it,

concluded it was impossible because the game was designed by Levi himself and all those

if Oliver was the one who had put the ten items in

of wine and her bag

it deeply, Jenifer concluded that Oliver

glanced at her sister quietly, realizing that she was keeping her eyes fixed on Oliver. The intoxicating expression on

no feelings for his sister at all. If Oliver were a nobody, Will could use his family’s wealth to seduce

keep you at our house for a few days. During

not convenient to talk about business today. Maybe the

suddenly stepped forward and interrupted, “Oliver, I heard that your business lies in jadeite and jade stones. I say we start a joint chain jewelry company in the South. As for shares, 50-50. What do

and refused, “Sorry, I definitely won’t cooperate with you. Even if I have to do this, I will only choose your brother as my business partner. As for

by Oliver mercilessly, Jenifer looked furious and wanted to lose his temper. But at

servant hurriedly came in and said to Will, “Mr. Woods, outside come three men. Two of them are so powerful that even Daniel

skilled bodyguards working for the Woods family. Today, his father went out with

believe that the three invaders had

Oliver immediately realized that Wayne, Simon, and Manuel arrived. He quickly stood up and said,

invaders be my

a look, said Will stood up as well and asked Oliver to

stop them from fighting more guards. I

also hurriedly

mansion, Will and Oliver who were striding ahead saw several bodyguards lying on the floor. Meanwhile,

the invaders were

shouted from a distance, “Wayne, Simon, stop it!

two with his arms

Wayne and Simon stopped the fight immediately and took two

He rushed over to Oliver and looked him up and down,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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