Chapter 153

Out of trust in his eyes’ identification skills, Oliver shouted, “Card!”

Denise translated what Oliver said to the banker.

The banker did as Oliver said. That head-up card was a Hearts 4.

16 points.

Seeing that, Denise was so excited that she grasped her fist. “Not a blowout. And his total points now are quite promising,” thought she.

According to her idea, she suggested that Oliver should stop asking for more cards and leave the risk to the banker.

But Oliver glanced at the card shuffler again. He already had four cards in his hands. If he got the fifth card and his points didn’t exceed 21, it would be the Small Five, which meant five cards with the total points under 21. Then the odds for the banker could be 1.5 times.

If the five cards added up to 21 points, that made the Blackjack. Then the odds for the banker could be 2.5 times.

If the Blackjack showed up in different forms, such as two cards or three or four cards, then the odds for the banker could be 2 times.

The Small Five made the odds even higher.

If six cards made a Blackjack, which was called the Small Six, then the odds for the banker could be 3 times.

That was to say, the player got six cards with the total points reaching 21, he then got a Blackjack in the Small Six form. The odds for the banker were the highest.

Oliver looked again at the card shuffler and found that the next card was a Spade 4.

He had 16 points on four cards, and the fifth card would make his points reach 20.

Even if it was not a Blackjack, he still got a Small Five. If he beat the banker, he would win 150 Oros in this round.

“Again,” said Oliver.

Hearing what he said, Denise glanced at Oliver and saw his calm face. She thought the stakes were only 100 Oros, he would lose too much anyway. So, she didn’t say anything to Oliver.

The banker then issued another card, which was a Spade 4 as Oliver identified.

This Spade 4 almost sent the joyful Denise in the air.

“20 points. Still in the safe zone!” yelled Denise.

After a pause, Denise explained to Oliver again, “You’ve got a Small Five at 20 points. You will win 150 Oros in this round.”

Oliver nodded and looked at the card shuffler. The next card was a Club 10.

more cards,” thought

card was a 10. So, he asked for a card, which was a Club 10. So, he got 20 points in all. He then

banker got a King, which stood for 10

Oliver found that the next card was a Spade Ace he knew that the banker was going to

and found it was a Spade Ace, which made his

The banker won!

chips of all

a little annoyed that the banker had the

could not believe he would lose

round was 90%, but it so happened that the banker actually got the Spade

worth 10,000 Oros without a second thought. “You… Mr. Eastwood, are you serious?” asked Denise who was still annoyed by the first round in which Oliver almost won. Yet she didn’t expect that

banker was also a little surprised. Usually, the individual customers in the hall were basically mid-class incomers. The maximum amount of money that could be spent was about several hundred or 1,000 Oros. It was rare for them to bet 10,000

banker could not


card was the sacred

first two players got their blowouts after asking for additional cards. So, they dropped

a Hearts A, which meant his card value could be

head-up card, which turned out

algorithm, A stood for 11.With a

asked for more cards. The best card he could get was an 8, which happened to give him the Blackjack. Afterwards, the card value

above 8 would bring him a

was to say, Oliver would win if the card was one from

9 to King would bring

of winning was bigger

card shuffler and found that the next card was identified

he would

“Card,” said Oliver.

then translated it to the banker. The card

3 points made

Not a blowout.

card identified was a

ask for

worth of bet already made

not a small sum. According to her thinking, it would be better

Oliver, not her. So

up his points to 18. Four cards

hand excitedly She

was already very large. The next card must be the one from Ace, 2, and

to Oliver..

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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