Chapter 73

Susan nodded and slowly sat down.

Timothy hesitated for a moment before saying, “Susan, I’m sorry, but Yana…”

“How’s the project going?” Susan directly opened the documents, indicating that she only wanted to get down to business.


Timothy had no choice but to sit down as w

“As for the progress, there is still a lot of time. We have discussed the previous improvement proposal and already…”

In the CEO’s office.

Ben was still engrossed in the review written by Susan.

The more he read it, the more pleased he became.

He couldn’t help but ask his secretary to come over.

“I feel that Mrs. Landor is still unsatisfied. Tell her I can give her a chance to write another

800 words.”

The secretary was dumbfounded.

He asked in his heart, “Mr. Landor, are you sure you won’t annoy Mrs. Landor?”

“Hurry up,” Ben urged.

The secretary could do nothing but go to see Susan.

However, he returned soon.

Ben looked at him in surprise and asked, “She has finished it so quickly? Does Mrs. Landor have so much inspiration?”

Thinking of this, Ben even felt a little excited.

The secretary’s mouth twitched. He replied, “Mr. Landor, Mrs. Landor is seeing a guest. It’s inappropriate for me to disturb her.”

“A guest? Who?” Ben asked with a frown.

Chapter 73

The secretary said, “It’s Mr. Leen from Shining Tech. Shining Tech won the bid for the previous project. Mrs. Landor is in charge of this project, so she has to deal with it at any


“Mr. Leen from Shining Tech…” Ben said through gritted teeth, “Timothy Leen?”

Though the secretary could sense Ben’s weird tone, he didn’t know what had happened, so he just nodded and replied truthfully, “Yes.”

Ben sprang to his feet and said, “Postpone the following video conference! I’m going to see the guest with Mrs. Landor!”

Ben said as he gnashed his teeth.

was a little bemused.

was true that Shining Tech had been developing rapidly over the years, but the secretary didn’t think it was necessary for

had no intention of explaining and

could only scratch his head

there are a few problems with your ideas. If

the conference room’s door was suddenly pushed

and Susan both looked at

saw Ben standing at the door with an expressionless face.

Ben was perplexed.

as she stood up nervously at once.

today, which made her

Timothy greeted as he

he said, “Please continue. I’m just

Susan was dumbfounded.


Chapter 73

also fell

45% 11:52

“Why are both of

took a deep breath and continued, “Then, let’s start from where we just stopped.

notes on

over to look while nodding. “That will do. Here, if we

inevitably moved closer and closer to each other.

his brows and suddenly slammed his

Timothy gaped at Ben

and asked, “Mr. Landor, do you

was just


to be questioning Ben, “How could there be a

at her innocently and said, “I just killed


she took a deep breath and continued to talk


began to discuss

cell phone

said, “I’m sorry, but don’t worry about


loudly, “Oh? Did you say that you want to have dinner with me tonight? But I’m afraid

and Timothy looked at each

Chapter 73

continue under

finished his

phone and asked with a surprised look, “Why did you stop? Go on

deeply and asked, “Mr. Landor, what

innocent expression, “Oh, nothing. I’m just sitting

Please ignore me.

“How about I come to talk next

come next time?” thought Ben..

Does my presence bother you? Please continue. I promise

looked as if he wouldn’t

choice but to helplessly sit back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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