Chapter 75

Ben stiffened.

Then, a trace of ecstasy flickered in his eyes. He gazed at Susan and said, “Susan, what did you just say? I seem to have hallucinated.”

Seeing his unconcealed joy, Susan was a little bashful.

She said softly, “You didn’t hallucinate. I… I love you.”

She had no idea when she had fallen for Ben.

However, no one could find the reason for love.

Now that Susan realized her feelings for Ben, she was willing to face her affection openly.

“What? I didn’t hear you clearly,” Ben said.

“I said, I love you.” Susan had no choice but to repeat her profession of love.

“What? I still didn’t hear you clearly.” Ben continued to play dumb.

Susan was speechless.

She couldn’t help but glare at Ben. “Forget it if you didn’t hear me! Just pretend that I didn’t say anything.”

Ben became anxious at once.

“How can I pretend that you didn’t say it? Now that you’ve said it, you can never go back on your word.”

Susan turned her gaze away from him in annoyance.

Ben felt so uneasy that he directly picked her up in his arms.

Susan screamed in panic, “What are you doing? We’re in the conference room!”

“There’s no one else!”

While Ben was speaking, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open. “Susan, this time…” Director Luke gaped at the scene in the conference room and then


Chapter 75

quickly turned around, saying, “I saw nothing.”


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Ashamed, Susan wanted nothing but to sink into the floor. She hurriedly explained, “It’s at misunderstanding, Director Luke. It’s not what you think!”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t see anything!” With that, Director Luke immediately left and closed the

door behind him.

Looking at the tightly closed door, Susan was dumbfounded.

“Ben Landor!” She shouted furiously as she glared at Ben.

She felt so embarrassed that she didn’t know how to face her colleagues.

“Hmm?” By contrast, Ben was very calm. “Never mind. We’re husband and wife.”

Hearing this, Susan was even more annoyed. “Put me down.”

But Ben only hugged her even tighter. “Tell me, do you love me or not?”

Susan felt that she was on the verge of a mental breakdown. She snapped, “How can you be so childish?”

don’t tell me, I’ll carry you out like

about to walk out with Susan in

Susan instantly panicked.

die of shame if Ben walked around the office with her in such

embarrassing way!

hurriedly uttered, “I love you, I love you.”

laughter in his heart but still kept a calm expression

put Susan down and said, “Well, I know your feelings for me. I usually won’t give such a chance to others, but your affection for me is allowed now.”

he was

this and responded

d MM

Chapter 75

welcome,” Ben said with a charming bright

look made Susan both speechless and

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she finally remembered something and asked, “Can you show me the diary that Yana


skimmed through it from the beginning. Nostalgia gradually


know why her diary, which she had grown

were not very important, but they

memories after all.

a long time and was no longer in the mood to write

tell that the diary she had lost should have been taken

Susan said frankly. “I want to retrieve

was filled with her

there was no reason for Yana to keep it.

think it was a big deal, so he agreed casually. “It’s about time to get off

Let me go with you to get it back.”

Susan nodded seriously.

of the Leen

with a mask. There was also a portion of dessert next to her. She felt such a life was

reason why she felt so

Chapter 75

Timothy was at odds with her now, she was confident that

as long as she coaxed him gently after he cooled down.

were going to

Susan to the core after reading that

Susan will be

thought of this, Yana couldn’t resist

this moment, she suddenly heard the sound

smile on her face. “You’re back,


Timothy seemed to be in a trance today as if he had

eyes glinted with

made up her mind to seize this good opportunity to act as

cup of coffee and handed it to Timothy. “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself at work. You should know that I’ve always stood by you. Have some coffee


eyes to cast a glance at

that Timothy’s look was a little strange.

uncomfortable under his gaze, so she couldn’t help but ask nervously, “What’s

abruptly grabbed her

teacup in her hand fell to the ground with a clang.

next moment, Yana blushed and said bashfully, “Go take a shower

felt complacent.


41% 11:58

Chapter 75

with the tenderness and consideration she showed, she thought Timothy probably couldn’t restrain his desire

excited and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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