Chapter 156

Compared to what Leo and Isabella had done, Ben was more concerned about his wife, who seemed to be addicted to online games!

At night.

In the past, at this time, the two of them should be leaning against each other on the bed, reading an interesting book, and exchanging views with each other. He often had the chance to take advantage of her.

But what about now?

Ben looked at the back of Susan, who was excitedly playing online games.

“Here, here. Ah, save me!” Susan frantically typed on the keyboard, and then she said dejectedly, “It’s too late. I’m dead.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll avenge you.” Theresa’s domineering voice came over.

Not long after, she heard the worshipful voice of Susan. “Rose, you’re amazing.”

Ben was speechless.

Impressive, my ass.

He regretted it now.

He regretted it very much.

Why did he choose Rose to shoot the advertisement?

Susan went to the scene once, but after she came back, she had been keeping in touch with Rose. Gradually, the two of them became very close.

When did this happen…

Ben recalled.

As one of the few people who had read the script of Love in Bitter Winter, the two of them first talked about the movie and began to cry.

Chapter 156

Then, they began to have dinner together.

Then, they began to make phone calls in the evening.

Ben had been silently enduring it.

Until Rose, the bastard, took Susan into the trap of online games!

From then on, he had slept alone every night!

“I don’t think I can play online games. I’m too bad at it,” Susan said dejectedly.

“We’re just having fun, it’s okay.” Theresa comforted her. Suddenly, she thought of something and said excitedly, “By the way, there’s a new game here. It seems to be pretty good. Do you want to try it?”

“Sure, sure,” Susan replied casually.

the name of the

downloaded the game and

someone else to play with for a while,” Theresa said

game, she had a very graceful name, Lady

her domineering and sharp operation, she was the first place in the server for several months in a row. Therefore, the

man with a broad back

care about these misunderstandings. She clicked on her friend list and wanted to invite someone to

group of

all flattering me all the time. It’s so boring.” Theresa

Chapter 156

she walked to Novice Village, where her character was born in the game, she found that a girl holding a dagger given by the system and killing chickens

were only at level 1, there were too many of them. This girl was only at level one, and she liked dealing with multiple chickens at a time instead of killing them right away. Soon, she was drowned in a

death of

death was

as the girl died again and again, but she still insisted on killing the chickens. Finally, Theresa couldn’t stand it anymore.

walked over and sent

honor of receiving a friend request

already waiting to welcome the scream of the newcomer.

what she got was…

was a dialogue box with

has rejected your

n the w

She thought the other party must’ve clicked button.

message. The girl rejected

she was rejected in seconds,

knew what was going on.

must have set the settings so that all her friend requests

the system rejected her,

a little

of chickens again, she rushed forward with his broadsword and cleared out a large

welcome.” Theresa typed calmly.

then went further away. She continued to kill chickens… No, she

cleared a patch of land after killing

girl moved to another

to follow

her and asked,

raised her

ID “Light” looked very

that she couldn’t let the girl go on like this,

said, “I’ll add you as a friend. Accept it and I can help

the girl said.

need it.” Theresa

necessary,” the girl

word by word, “I think it is.”


looked at the majestic female warrior in the game

bad mood and wanted to torture himself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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