Chapter 190

Dr. Dawson gently jabbed Ayden’s head. You’re no spring chicken anymore, but you still haven’t given me a grandchild, don’t even have a girlfriend. It’s a waste of breath talking to you about this stuff.”

Ayden “What’s that got to do with me?”

Dr. Dawson “You asked me first”

Ayden looked innocent. I just want to know why you’re worried about President Hartley. If you know something, tell me, so I can plan ahead”

out himself “Dr. Dawson

he likes Cornelia? Cornelia is his wife, she has no ill intentions towards him, it’s perfectly normal for him

not normal. Think about tonight, how terrifying his eyes were when he found out Cornelia was kidnapped. For someone in his position,

so much, “Don’t worry, today was an accident, President Hartley definitely won’t

you guarantee there won’t be a second,

you getting at?”

worried about Marc, worried that he’ll be manipulated, worried that he’ll lose his mind. He can be good to Cornelia, he

around, who can

Dawson was speechless.

her breath, she shouldn’t have expected this strong but simple–minded guy

drugged and unconscious Cornelia suddenly convulsed

here.” Marcus tightly held her hand, the other gently pushing her damp hair behind her ear, “Cornelia, Jeremy’s always here,

her mouth and spit out a string of numbers, “03212020”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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