Chapter 1381

Cornelia suddenly blinked open her eyes and saw Jeremy sitting right next to her hospital bed, cradling baby in his arms.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Jeremy brought the baby up to her, “Hope just opened his eyes, seemed like he was looking for her mommy.”

Cornelia glanced at the baby, whose eyes were closed. Clearly, he hadn’t opened them. Jeremy quickly explained. “I swear, I’m not pulling your leg. He really opened his eyes just now. It was so cute.”

Cornelia chuckled, “I know you’re not messing with me. Newborns can’t keep their eyes open all the time.”

This wasn’t a dream. Jeremy really came back. At this moment, all her anxieties vanished.

Cornelia smiled at him, “I think I’m hungry. Is there anything to eat?”

Jeremy replied, “Sure there is. Patricia and her crew prepared a bunch of yummy food. I’ll have her bring it in right away.”

forgetting she was still recovering, suddenly sat up and inadvertently tugged at her abdominal wound, causing

his arms and his left

the bed’s lift button to raise the bed. Unexpectedly, the previously quiet baby suddenly started to wail.

Jeremy picked up the baby, and

reason, the baby’s crying got louder and louder, as if he was about to blow the

Hope might be hungry,

didn’t quite know how to breastfeed. Jeremy didn’t know

after suckling for a while with no

breasts were engorged but there was

drew closer, “Are your breasts

Comelia nodded, “Yeah.”

in postpartum women. Patricia

“What do

help Cornelia promote milk production. Once that’s done, Hope will have milk to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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