Chapter 1392

In the afternoon, Cornelia was hanging out with her friends, but Jeremy was nowhere to be seen. Patricia explained that he was taking a nap, so Cornelia didnt doubt Jeremy’s absence. She bent down, lifting up her shirt to nurse Hope Jeremy, standing by, said, “Hope refusing formula and only breastfeeding isnt the best. I’ve sent someone to find a wet nurse, and she should be here soon. That’ll take a load off your shoulders.”

Cornelia responded, “Both the doctor and Patricia told me my breastmilk is enough for Hope. There’s no need to go through all that trouble.”

Not only was her breastmilk enough, it was more than enough. Jeremy, of course, knew this. But that wasn’t all he was concerned about.

If Hope was only breastfeeding, then whenever he got hungry. Cornelia would have to feed him, which was exhausting. If he could find a wet nurse for Hope, she could help with the feeding, giving Cornelia some much needed rest.

He ruffled Cornelia’s hair, saying, Tll handle it. We won’t let Hope go hungry.”

How could she refuse such a thoughtful gesture? So she said, “Alright, go ahead. If you can’t find one, it’s no big deal. We have enough breastmilk for Hope anyway”

Jeremy nodded, “Okay”

And with that, their conversation came to a halt.

Cornelia wanted to talk to him more, so she started looking for a topic, “Do you want to have a late-night

Jeremy immediately went to get some food. By the time he came back, Cornelia

baby, falling asleep right after her feeding,

asked, “Is

look Hasnt our Hope grown a lot since he

in to take a closer look, “Hmm, he

“Do you want Hope to look

with, “What about

‘I asked

“I hope Hope looks like me. Then we can have a daughter

asked, “Do you

my eyes, you’re the prettiest girl in

she felt they were just flattery. This time, however, she was genuinely happy, and she said, “I think the same way about

gently touching her forehead,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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