Given the choice, Skylar wouldn’t see him.

“Give me three minutes. I’ll leave after saying my piece,” she said, putting on a bold face.

Is she playing hard to get? I’ve seen many women like her. Tobias glanced at his watch. “You have two minutes and fifty seconds left.”

“I-I can’t talk when there are so many people here,” Skylar said, scanning the surroundings. “Could you at least ask them to leave for a short while?”

“How demanding.” Tobias dispersed the crowd with a wave of his hand. Then lifting his wrist again, he said curtly, “Thirty seconds.”

“The check you gave me was real. I’ve been cheated, and I can’t just let this slide. Only you can prove that the check doesn’t belong to him. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Skylar explained vaguely in one breath.


“Are you done?” Tobias asked flatly.

Skylar nodded. “That’s roughly what I’m trying to say in thirty seconds. How about you give me a little more time?”


lit a cigarette. “So, you’re trying to get me to retrieve the check

expected of the comprehensive

I interested to do so. Business is all about making an equivalent exchange.

last piece of

mood, the sky was dark, looking as if it were about

here,” she said while biting her lips. “I don’t think I

it meant to make a deal with

back, Tobias stood

suite. Come look for me tonight,”

tracks and smirked. Is he for real now?

she said and

around this woman—girl, to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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