Skylar’s face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. “Why do you keep lying to yourself? Why put yourself through this torture? Is he so busy that he can’t even spare one minute to return your calls or stop by on the way and come up to check on you? It doesn’t make sense.”

As if placing all her hope in Skylar, Penelope grabbed her hands and pleaded in a desperate voice, “You have to help me, Skylar. Ask Tobias to tell Brayden that I’m due any time now. How can the father not be the first person my child sees after being born?”

Skylar’s heart ached upon seeing the state Penelope was in. “Even if he comes, the first person the child would see is the doctor in charge of your delivery.”

In the end, she begrudgingly agreed to Penelope’s simple request, but after some deliberation, the latter had a change of heart.

Struggling to her feet, she demanded, “You know what? Take me to see Brayden now.”


Penelope completely messed up the surprise Skylar was planning to give Tobias as she was forced to call and tell him that she was in his company’s basement parking.

the car. The latter seemed restless, her eyes darting around the place as though she was expecting


a body-hugging V-neck business suit with styled hair

window to greet Susan, Tobias’ most trusted and

remember that the first time she met Susan was at her university dormitory. At that time, this woman had walked with so much swagger even the wind seemed to still in

courteously, “Ms. Jones, Mr. Ford asked you to go right up to his office. He’s still in a meeting and will probably be done after half an hour or

get down, then supported Penelope who had difficulty walking due

her with an inquiring gaze,

tone and question clearly implied that Tobias

friend. We came together,” Skylar

Penelope’s hand

Penelope to the

swollen feet sank into the soft, thick carpet with every careful step

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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