Later on, Penelope was sent away by a few words from Tobias as he was lazy to even entertain her.

In the end, he still did not make the call. Skylar realized that she couldn’t force him to do something he did not like at all. She wasn’t that important to him.

Skylar wore a sulky look on her face throughout the journey home.

“Wanna go for a drink? I need to unwind. Drink with me, hmm?” Tobias asked her, seemingly oblivious to her emotions.

Skylar was still seething over the fact that Tobias managed to notice Eva’s dark circles but did not even think about asking how she was doing recently.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, huh? Well, I beg to differ!


Pursing her lips unhappily, she snapped, “No, thank you. I have dark circles because I didn’t sleep well. I want to go home and rest.”

Tobias turned a deaf ear to Skylar’s refusal, and ordered the driver, “Find a barbeque restaurant with fewer people. Ms. Jones isn’t a fan of fine dining.”


a more

around her waist and pressed his lips against her ear to whisper in a gentle voice, “A little alcohol can help set the mood. You should drink more to loosen up for

to help me find Brayden,

brought up a few bottles of

Thus, after several failed attempts, Tobias simply

when she saw how effortlessly he opened the beer bottle. “Just how

deliberately ordered a lot of oysters to

you eat more of this. It’s good for your libido,” she

up an oyster and stared at it, but did not seem inclined

I’ve stayed celibate during the two months you were gone, but don’t worry, everything’s still functioning very well. You can give it a spin tonight if you don’t believe me. I always save

you didn’t want to. I mean, I already

visit her. He could have,

away for two months, not two years. He felt that since they were adults, being apart from each other for a

good for couples to occasionally maintain a distance between each other. This way, we won’t get sick of being together even after a long time,” he justified in a calm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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