Sheldon had so much pent-up frustration within him. In his opinion, he had been labeled as “trash” because of Tobias. He had never approved of his actions, sometimes even condemning him for it.

I would have succeeded if you never existed! Everyone said that I was destined to achieve something big!

“Alright,” Tobias said monotonously. “If that’s what you want, you can have it. I’ve done all I could for you, so you have to walk down this path alone from now on. If you think you can handle it, then go for it.”

After Tobias left, Sheldon finally collapsed, deflated with his knees on the floor, crying his lungs out.

After a few days, the Ford Group held a shareholder’s meeting, and Tobias announced that he would be stepping down due to health reasons, appointing Sheldon as the person to take his place.

Everyone was dumbfounded, as though an emperor had passed away, and in his stead sat a young kid on the throne.

The board of directors was in an uproar. People were upset. Quite a number of them left the room immediately after slamming the table.

was disgusted by the sight of those

same time, Tobias sat at his office desk, stiff and quiet as

came knocking on the door. She could not accept the change

of his decision with no hesitation. Nevertheless, what happened

Susan asked. “Sheldon has zero experience! The whole board of directors is vying to take a shot at him,

to grow.” Tobias’ eyes narrowed. “I’m giving him that chance right now. So, you stay close to him and report back to me if anything goes wrong. I’m exhausted, and I

Susan necessary affirmation as she needed to know that Tobias was not going to hand the fruits of

you intend to go then?

right away and gave her a side-eyed

she would feel ashamed. She only left one mean comment for her years ago, but the guilt she felt showed no signs of weakening, even though she was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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