Irene descended the stairs, her face as pale as a ghost. The mere sight of her was depressing.

Ever since Thomas had divorced her, the woman had become a shell of a person, barely taking a step out of the house. The only time she seemed to regain energy was when she grew aggravated at the sight of Skylar on TV. She wanted to smash the electronic device into pieces.

Avery got up and helped Irene sit down on the couch. “You still haven’t heard anything from Dad?” She’d never once seen Thomas after the divorce.

Irene’s eye twitched in annoyance. “He has no right to come back here. Let him spend the rest of his life with that witch of a woman and her daughter for all I care. Our house no longer welcomes him.”

Avery was upset that her parents were still having a cold war with each other. That being said, she didn’t harbor any pity towards Thomas; he had been the one to push their once happy family to the brink of falling apart.

Why is he so biased towards Skylar? I was the one who’s been his precious, spoilt princess since young!

Skylar lost track of time in the bathroom; her mind solely focused on repeatedly scrubbing soap all over her body.

That had been her first time being so “intimate” with such an ugly guy, and she prayed that it would be her last. She’d never felt so humiliated before.

hear Madelyn happily greeting Tobias downstairs as she slipped a bathrobe on without bothering to tie the ribbon together, letting

into the habit of not

and used to only wear a cotton undershirt under her clothes before her debut as

him, Tobias spoke up, “Get changed. I’m

wet from the shower she’d just taken. Her legs were tired and sore from having stood on stage

these big brands think that women have no bones in their feet or something? Their shoes are horrible

Skylar pointed out. “I just want to rest

flushed face, she unconsciously took a few steps

the greasy fat guy from the morning and caused

It’s not like the rain is

agreed, worried that Tobias would think she was being unappreciative of

impulsive as any other ordinary girl and have the freedom to reject his advances

couldn’t find Tobias anywhere. “Mr. Ford went out to start the car up,” Madelyn informed her. “Perhaps he was worried that it would be too cold for you and wanted to start

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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