When she attempted to call him again, all that greeted her was a robotic voice. Idania slumped against the couch, staring up at the ceiling with a bitter, sarcastic smile.

Tobias didn’t care about her at all, even after she’d told him that she was alone and in pain.

He didn’t care if she died or lived.

Several hours later, Skylar carefully crawled out of bed while Tobias was still asleep, aware that he was a light sleeper and an insomniac.

Heading for the bathroom, she picked up his toothbrush before setting it back down, remembering his OCD.

Her complicated family background had shaped her into a sensitive people-pleaser who hated making other people upset.

“Remember your roots,” her grandma always reminded her. “You don’t have the luxury to be reckless or stubborn. You should be grateful to have clothes on your back and a roof over your head.”

came flooding back to her as she stared at the reflection of the Swarovski necklace

out this necklace, but she guessed that it was a

was nothing in the bathroom that belonged to her. So, she

to the bedroom, Tobias was already awake. Even in

is she packing her stuff at six-fifteen in the

I’ll send you,” he said before he yawned, pushing himself out of bed to draw the

early more than he hated not being able to fall asleep. After long periods of insomnia, he’d grown to prefer sleeping for as long as he

are still fresh in the public’s minds, and I don’t want to cause any

worried about causing

her hair into a neat ponytail. “We share a

wanted his rest too, and he knew he’d be in a horrible mood all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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