Chapter Twenty-Two Eason’s POV

She’s shivering under me, not because of pleasure of course. But for fear.

I know what she is afraid of, yet I deliberately extend her suffering at this very moment. She bites my tongue and immediately a bloody taste fills our mouths. But I don’t give a fuck.

I didn’t let her go till the footsteps is just around the corner.

The moment my grip loosens, she moves away from me. She glares at me with so much anger, as if I’ve done something horrible…well I did, but only because she has provoked me.

A group of students walk pass by. None of them notice anything wrong between us.

In their eyes, we are just standing here talking.

She finally restores her breathe and grits out in a low voice. “You…you are fucking twisted!”

I sneer internally. She probably wants to slap me for my audacity. But we’re in public. Since she’s too afraid about our relationship being exposed, she won’t do anything at the moment.

“Save your energy to bed babe.” I smile, knowing perfectly well that my words would only anger her further.

Just as I expected, her eyes burn with flames of rage.

She and her hot temper. How intriguing.

Just when I’m about to say something else to her and see if I can get another interesting reaction from her, I hear someone calling me from behind.

It’s James. And a bunch of my other friends. “Hey man.” He walks closer and then turns to her. “Natalia! How’s it going? Didn’t see you in school for the past few days.”

“We are in different classes,” she replies harshly.

She doesn’t like James, apparently. Not only because he forced her into playing the Truth and Dare at the party before, but because she doesn’t like his type.

The playboy type. My type.

She prefers someone with straight-As and works in Student Union. People who always appear so decent and nice. Like that Alex and her trash ex-boyfriend Zack.

the dark side for a moment

“We are going to the café. You wanna come?” “…Umm thanks. But I think I’ll pass. I’m not very hungry.” She

she says

are coming.”

a sharp glare. I raise

she wants to fight in front of everyone, it’s

of staring contest, she gives up eventually. “Fine.” She

joins our group but picks up her speed and walks upfront, keeping her distance with us. She

and whisper to me. “You two were kissing earlier,

staring after Natalia. “That obvious

“You should see the look on her face when I called

with him. “Yet you won’t believe what she just said to me.” I go on to tell him everything about

after. “Fuck, for real? She said that herself? Damn …but isn’t this just the way you wanted it? Going perfectly well

love with me. Not to fuck her in bed. That would be too

“Yeah of course.” That ex-girlfriend of his will keep him busy for a while. We walk into the café and each grabs a tray. James is still smirking behind me as we pick our food, “fuck I can’t wait. When is the grand reveal gonna be? I can’t wait to see her smug face turns

at us warily. She’s probably wondering what we are talking

what is waiting for

walk up to her smiling. “Let’s find a table


Natalia’s POV

is not being a jerk, he can be very nice I sit with him and his friends during lunch and it’s not as awkward as I thought. These people probably know

they are talking about college

about pretty girls, fancy cars, and hookups. So it shocked me a little that they


these guys are born with privileges. Their parents are probably graduated from Ivy Leagues themselves, giving their

it got me thinking Where am I going to go after this? Dad has ditched me. Mr. Ramirez would probably be willing to pay

in the same city with him. So I’ve been saving for my college

start fresh. Somewhere more economic than Boston. “What are you thinking?” Eason drags me back into reality. “Umm nothing.” I say vaguely and

quickly stand up and leave the table. Eason says something to me on the back, but I didn’t pay attention

deep in the sudden rise of anxiety

completely changed my life. Now I have no plan, which is very unlike me. Plus I’ve just gotten myself into another trouble-my weird relationship with Eason. What

is such a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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