
Cole had the bags sent up to the rooms then made his way to the basement for tournament check–in. Several other competitors lined the hallway as he rounded the corner. He saw a few familiar faces of people he’d trained or people he’d fought at one point or another. They exchanged slight nods. Then he suddenly noticed a very familiar face.

Ace! Man long time no see,” Cole slapped his hand and punched him in the shoulder. Ace had been a good friend in the fighting circuit since Cole first started out. Early on, even when they were still in high school, he and Ace would sneak out of the teen fighting tournaments to watch their favorites over in the real division. It had been such an escape for Cole, he’d never looked back and it was the same for Are.

title huht

“Thought you stopped competing, dude. Damn it’s good to see you,” Ace laughed, playfully putting up his fists to fight, “You came to take my title I ain’t gonna hand it over easy!”

“Maybe,” Cole shrugged, mimicking the fighting stance, “Heard you got rusty with no competition.”

“Hey! Save it for the ring you two, the announcer yelled, “Didn’t think I’d see this rematch any time soon!” He leaned in to put a hand on Cole’s shoulder. “Im really happy you’re back. We all missed you. Missed you both. His tone turned somber for a second before he shook it off

“Who am I signing in for the tournament?” The official asked, walking over to Cole, handing him the clip board. Cole filled in each name and weight class. He felt postalgic. How long had it been since he was in a ring for a real Fight? Almost a year? Not since James. He couldn’t ignore the pulse of excitement that went through him. It felt good to get back to what he loved.

He just wasn’t even sure he was ready yet. Cole had been training hard, eating well, working on his form and technique but the fear of failure was still much since there,fied left on top. Would he return to find himself at the bottom? What would that do for the gym? The turnout was already down so James died not only because he lost his star fighter but because he hadn’t been able to coach through his grief. Of course he understood his fighters couldn’t wait for him to get it together, they needed to take their careers seriously but he was ready to recruit again. Step one was proving he could still hold his own.

“Any additional guests go in the bottom box…”

Cole scribbled down Lita and Jaz before clicking the pen and returning the clipboard.

“Perfect come get your numbers before you fight. I’ll send out the matchups later tonight. You coming to the welcoming party later?”

I’m feeling. Might just focus

workout! Haven’t seen you since…shit well a

kept thinking about that look in her eyes when she talked about James. The low whimper of her voice. He ran his fingertips over

let’s grab a workout, I need to get my

the bed, “You had so much going on already

all so much to handle,” she cried into her chest. Lita wanted to feel close to something, anything in that moment where she felt so far from her brother. She hadn’t

tell you

you everything. That’s why he was back in New York that weekend.

I never even knew him. Was Ia terrible sister? Was



of course not. He loved you and you loved him, there’s no reason to beat yourself up, La. It’s why I didn’t tell you, her voice

“We’re a fucking mess.

we are,” Stace cracked

it like? The mate bond I

but all the time. Every day. Does that make sense? I mean before him I was fine. Regular. Happy. But with him it was like one. More life. More colors,

heat between her and Cole could be more? It could be even better than it already felt? She shook her head. There was no point comparing her situation. It wouldn’t be a situation much longer. He was

Lita. And the answer is yes. It would be

became a bunny?” Lita moved so she was sitting beside her on

if you haven’t felt it but feeling that happy, that GOOD all the time, is irreplaceable. I’ll never have it that good again,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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