Routine, Right?

“So where the hell’d you end up last night?” Lita asked Ace, changing the subject from her exam back to his escapades. She tried to ignore the small pokes and prods she felt all over as the doctor inspected her.

“Well, one or two ladies might have been kind enough to keep my company at the club after you left,” Ace grinned, rolling his tongue over his canines. Lita giggled and shook her head.

“Jesus, you don’t waste time.”

“What? Not everybody’s got a hot mate ready and waiting in their hotel room, sweetheart. I had to make due with what I could,” he shrugged. She could tell he was joking but there was also the edge of something else in his voice. Something she knew not to touch with a ten foot pole. The heat between them was dampened, not extinguished.

The attraction between them hadn’t completely died out but it was different. He was more like the funny best friend who just happened to be hot as hell. All she could think about was Cole and at this point, she was growing antsy. Lita couldn’t stop her eyes from fluttering up every time a stranger walked by. Where the hell was he?

Something thumped against her knee to check her reflexes. It was odd, almost like the doctor was looking for something, some sign of an underlying issue but that wouldn’t make any sense. Routine, she assured herself. She had been beat up pretty bad a month ago. It made sense that he’d want to verify everything healed properly. Lita focused back on Ace as people poured in and out of the doorway behind him.

“Oh that’s what we’re calling it now? Making due?” Jaz walked up eyeing daggers at Ace, “Thanks for clarifying…”

Ace immediately turned bright red, looking every bit as flustered as he must have felt, “Er shit didn’t see you there, Jasmine….uh you look nice today…”

Jaz and Ace? Lita couldn’t contain the shock spreading across her face, or the bemusement in her voice, “The way you say Jasmine sounds mighty… personal.” She crackled her throat a little, stifling a laugh. Dr. Morgan walked back to his bag.

“Mmhm once an asshole, always an asshole I see. At least you’re good in bed,” Jaz glared, turning her attention to Lita. The anger dropped into glee as she looked at her friend, “Bitch where the hell were you last night? You never came back to the room. Tsk, Tsk.”

Now it was Lita’s turn to turn red, “You know where I was… and speaking of it, has anyone seen Cole? I wanted to talk to him before his next fight…”

room getting ready. Saw him talking to some older guy a few minutes ago. He’ll probably be out soon.” It shouldn’t have been awkward. They were adults. And the whole pack regularly had sex with one another but somehow what she and Cole did felt more intimate. It felt like she was

has changed so I assume you and Cole…?” The doctor cut in as he walked back over. Lita looked away awkwardly. He’d obviously missed the conversation the first time so now she had to be uncomfortable twice, “I only ask

too loudly, “Stace is going to be so happy to hear it. She gave him an earful yesterday! Lita got her maaark. Lita got her maaark.” The singsong voice Jaz used almost made Lita’s awkwardness go away. Almost. They were still talking about her having sex

credit okay, I

in the middle of the staging area? The doctor had made it seem pretty urgent she get checked right now. The oddness of it all kept nagging at Lita’s brain but she pushed it aside. She already had a headache. Thankfully, Dr. Morgan took her awkwardness and

gave her a knowing

pretends to be. That’s fucking kinky. I’m proud!” “Will you shove off?” Lita groaned, wishing Cole would come

sleeves, “I just need a

Routine, Right?

to no one in particular, already feeling the panic sparking up. She hated

The doctor asked, tying a band around her arm, “How bout a story to distract you? Ace why

“But if we’re seriously trying to take your mind off it… Probably the most

worst shift,” the doctor and

asked, turning

think Cole was twelve. It takes a push, if you could call it that,” he mumbled. Lita gave him a questioning look and he sighed, “it’s usually triggered by rage. An uncontrollable rage that kind of takes on a life of its own. Then the

Brody came

the first rule of fight club, Lita?” Brody wiggled the brow that wasn’t stitched, giving Lita a

ever met,” Ace shook


as Dr. Morgan drew blood from her arm. He held

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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