Breakfast of Champions

The next day Lita woke up feeling refreshed. She’d felt Cole shift the bed late last night and early that morning but she didn’t make a single move to acknowledge it. That time she and her wolf had spent in their subconscious did something to her. She didn’t feel any of that nagging self doubt or fear that had plagued her so completely. Lita’s wolf was confident, sure of herself and honestly, she had a bad temper. That left Lita feeling absolutely no responsibility over how last night ended. There was no need to smooth over something she hadn’t caused. If he wanted to apologize, he would. And she’d be willing to listen. Especially once he talked to Ace and realized how wrong he was. Until then, she’d let him work himself even deeper into the


Lita took a deep breath. Even the air felt better in her lungs. Brushing her hair out of her face, she stretched all the muscles she’d worked out on Cole yesterday and headed to the closet. Avoiding the baggy section of her closet altogether, Lita opted for some skinny jeans and a thin swoop neck sweater. Dressed and ready to take on the day, Lita headed down to see what had become of her pack and her life in the four months she’d been gone.

Stace was the first one to see her, “LITAAAAAA!” She squealed, rushing to crash her arms around Lita, “Ohmygoshicantbelieveit!!!! I’ve missed you so much!” The moisture on her shoulder, told Lita Stace was crying. She pulled back.

“Stop crying, Stace! You’re making it weird. It feels like I just saw you yesterday and then boom, four months have passed,” Lita nudged her to turn around, “I’m starving, can you help me out?”

“Say less… EVERYONE can I have your attention, please? Stace pulled her into the dining room where an extra table now sat to accommodate another fifteen or so people. Cole sat at the head of the main table, drinking in her appearance as he swallowed his bite of food. Then he pursed his lips in an uncomfortable, almost apologetic way. Lita panned away from him to look at everyone else. There were a handful of faces she’d never seen both women and men. Plus the usual suspects: Alex, Brody, Mark, Andres, Jax and Ace? Was he a part of the pack now?

“I’d like to introduce-”

“I believe that’s my job, Stace,” Cole said gruffly, sliding his hand across Lita’s lower back. When had he managed to get over here? Lita found his speed annoying. She was caught. If she did anything, it would make a scene and there were new pack members present. She didn’t want to tamish their image of him. She rolled her eyes and let him introduce her.

“O–of course, Alpha,” she bowed slightly and scurried over to her seat beside Alex.

“Everyone, this is Lita, my Luna. Your Luna. A lot of you haven’t met her yet but thankfully, she’s back with us and I couldn’t be happier for you all to meet her.” He smiled at her genuinely, nabbing her back gently before leading her to the seat beside him. What was a Luna?

Without a single pause, she spooned eggs and sausage onto her plate and poured some tea for herself, Cole nudged her leg but she ignored it, smiling and talking with Jaz and Alex while Ace refilled the pitcher of water at the table. She made small talk with the others as well and scouted out which new people she needed to meet later,

“You joined the pack, huh?” Lits asked Ace when he finally sat back down.

“Yup, this annoying emotional train wreck made me settle down… or whatever the hell she said, Ace motioned to Jaz and Lita felt a happy flush of emotion. It was odd, like their happiness made her happy. She could feel the soft warm bubble in her chest.

“I told him to join the family and stop playing the

happy you two have each other,” Lita smiled. Cole nudged her again but she ignored it again,

look, “Too much time doing

faked a heavy shiver, “And second, he got pissed halfway through the night

my sex life, it’s

sorry,” Cole didn’t look directly at her so it wasn’t a very good start

be a Luna, Alex answered, daggering Cole with his eyes, “Usually only the Alpha and Beta leaders of a pack have Lunas. It’s like a rank in the pack more than a sign that you and Cole are together

what am I supposed

sure you’ll find something to contribute to the pack. You

Cole attempted to talk to

Breakfast of Champions

you manage to get your mate mad at you already, Cole,” Alex glared, “It’s like a fucking superpower at this

“Will you drop it?”

would’ve been groveling at her feet. She

privately, please?” he asked in

I was just

and an attitude and I’m here for it,”

Are swiveled to

wants to know what happened to my back,” Lita collected her silverware on her empty plate, “Apparently I shouldn’t have told

sighed, “She’s been in a coma for four months and you can’t go twenty four hours without putting your foot in your mouth. Damn!” She had no

bottle of water and heading back up to the bedroom. She needed to find her phone so she could play some music and check her messages. She had a feeling Brian hadn’t just dropped his obsession overnight but he might have dropped it within the last

remember what the bag she took to the tournament looked like. The sound of the

he groaned, having spent the last half an hour groveling and begging for forgiveness. She couldn’t deny that what he’d said made sense. His wolf had fueled his jealousy. It was irrational and inexcusable. Especially knowing what he knew now. She couldn’t fault him for that. Her wolf had gone full blown psycho killer at the tournament and Lita still

I’ve said fifty times already, I forgive you for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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