Dr. Morgan

“T’ll just tell you everything I know all at once… the doctor loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar. Lita nodded, leaning precariously onto the trunk of a car.

“The medicine you were given wasn’t meant for suppressing emotions exactly. It does suppress anger but it’s not something meant for emotional health. Instead, it was meant to suppress your wolf or make it weak enough to manipulate it. I’m not quite sure which.”

Genuine surprise swept her features. She hadn’t expected that she was given something meant only for werewolves…

“It’s not a new drug. That wasn’t the first I’d heard of it. In fact, myself and several other pack doctors had been investigating that medicine for a while. Each of us has come across instances of it being used but all were varying degrees of disastrous. Some died. Some went feral and completely lost their human side. Some couldn’t regain their emotions… becoming like phantoms. Your mother and her pharmaceutical company have been working on perfecting that medication for decades but you’re the first wolf it’s ever worked on. Though I guess not fully, since you still have a wolf and from what I hear, she isn’t one to be managed…”

His eyes flickered to the pack members walking by, “It works just the way it sounds. The medicine dulls your ability to create the intense emotions needed to shift and it can deny you your first shift. I’m assuming in your case, their hope was that they could control when your first shift happened. Probably hoping to push it back until you were so controlled and beaten down by that Alpha, you would be completely obedien…. kind of like training a dog or a horse… by breaking it.”

Lita didn’t know why it surprised her, didn’t know why it felt like her chest was caving in. She knew her family and she knew Brian. It shouldn’t have surprised her at all. But the pain was shocking. The feeling of deep, irreparable betrayal rang through her.

Dr. Morgan stepped closer, running a hand behind his neck, “You mother is of Alpha blood. Her husband is of Beta blood-

She noticed immediately that he didn’t say her father….

“Your brother was a Beta because that’s the only thing that combination can make… Betas or lower… but you, Lita, you’re an Alpha. Do you understand what I’m saying?” Alphas could only continue the line with other Alphas, Her father couldn’t be a Beta. Her father… wasn’t her father. As if reading her facial expression, Dr. Morgan nodded gravely.

“And that, I think, is the reason your mother has been hell bent on getting you to tow the line all your life. You were, no, are a threat to her life. Wolves who mate and marry are bound by that. Her infidelity gives her husband the right to strip her of everything, her rank, her money, her status, her company. Everything, you understand? That’s motivation enough apparently for her to perfect the medicine after all these years.”

and status. From what I can tell, you were meant to be the Alpha’s arm candy but your wolf

“For how long?”

eyes dimmed, “Forever,

bullet where Brian’s violence was concerned but she

them? Please tell me I

do you have

one who keeps saying we’re going to get closure but you haven’t said I could eat Brian or rip out any

growled sharply, Stop pushing

months ago… that doesn’t bother

mentioned it? Why hadn’t he mentioned anything in the following months? Why had he drawn her blood and done a physical at the tournament? Had he only fessed up once her wolf was out in the open? Had he planned to study her like a

wolf didn’t reply to her flurry of thoughts, just dug in her claws and forced them to shift. Nyx wanted blood and she was tired of Lita trying to curb it.

Dr. Morgan

at him. She swiped her claws

sure you


get why you’re mad… he latched on the tether of Litn’s mind as he backed away from her angry wolf, but I wasn’t mother with the information. I didn’t know anything about you! It would have ruined years of careful research if you told her. The other pack doctors and I had plous We’re going to put the evidence together and call for a counsel to remove all the wolves that administered the medicine. Your mother and her company would have to answer for what they’ve done. And we’re not just talking about losing their livelihood, I’m talking about losing their lives. Werewolves fucking with the shifting process is a serious allegation.

to yourself? It was my life at stake! You couldn’t have known whether or not it had already hurt me or caused damage. Nyx barked an agreement and bared

so you wouldn’t take

And afterwards, I confiscated the rest so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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