
“Shall I take your silence as a yes, then?” Maxim smiled with malice, “My son and I have had mir dillerences of emirse but this is his legacy. My lepicy And not have him tum his back on it for anyone. Least of all, a mixed blood mutt.” Lita could tell from the way he pinched all his teeth at her, bed intended those words to be a grave insult. But she was too distracted with fear to be offended. And in truth, she didn’t really care what he was saying as long as it wasn’t an order to have her killed. She gulped loudly, sure her head was pounding loud enough for him to hear it at least half as much as she felt it.

What struck her as odd, was the way he said mutt. She couldn’t tell if he was implying she was lesser because of her mixed race or if he somehow knew she was a wolf. Did he know what happened to Erica?

Leaning back, until she could rest her throbbing shoulders against the chair, Lita said, “Trom what he’s told me, Cole turned his back on this place long before he even met me. And I can see why…” She sounded far more confident than she felt. He eyed her had posture like it was an affliction. She supposed he’d probably expected more of from a child raised in the lap of luxury and even though she’d always felt like an odd ball because she couldn’t fit in with those elitist pricks, nose it made her happy. Lita didn’t want to resemble anything of the man in front of her.

“A simple misunderstanding. Erica was sorting it out, she was getting him ready to rebam home. Shame I had to send her mother flowers and lay her memory to rest in an empty casket. No small feat mind you, to gut and devour one of the strongest bloodlines we have… She was the key to getting Cole to retum to his real pack, not that band of misfit fighters and humans he’s claiming these days. God it’s as if he learned nothing in all his years of training here. The last bit he muttered to himself, grinding his knuckles white against his glass

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was a backhanded complement, Lita smirked then dropped it quickly as the pressure in her head increased, “Erica was a piece of work and believe me when I say, her and Cole were never going to work, no matter how bad you wanted that blond hair and perky tits to be enough. Outside of looks, she didn’t have much to offer. Id hardly say I’m surprised you’re proud of her, with the way your basement cells look. It says a lot about you, Maxim. His jaw ticked hard

Maxim leaned up to refill his glass of alcohol, I suppose I only have myself to blame for that. I thought they were better suited than they were. But he would have had a good enough life with her. Maybe some happiness too but they’d have had perfect, Alpha pups with all the right genes. But for the dishonor of you as his fucking mate? That I not take credit for. That’s entirely your fault. No idea how you fucking waltzed right into his life and turned it upside down…

Lita almost laughed. He had no idea how long they’d fought the connection. Had no idea how much he despised her early on. He had no idea that trying to attack her, had only driven Cole further into his love for her. Maxim seemed to know a lot, but when it came to his son, he knew very precious little.

“No bother,” he shrugged and even his dismissal was menacing in its delivery, “I simply have to work harder once he’s back to show him exactly why you’re not for him. Or perhaps I’ll just bury you where no one will ever find your body? His gaze didn’t even flicker. What kind of horrible man did he have to be to live this kind of life, kidnap and threaten, all without even a shadow of a conscience.

“But that’s off topic for now,” he smiled, “Your death would do more harm than good right now. I’ve got to become a bit more creative where you’re concerned and Cole isn’t the reason we’re having a meal, girl, you are.”

Maxim motioned for her to eat, but it couldn’t calm the soaring in her head. Any minute it was going to explode and send chunks of her brain everywhere. At least then the pain would be gone. At least then she wouldn’t be at Maxim’s will or Brian’s for that matter. She wished things badn’t ended on such a shitty note with Cole. She wished she’d told him she loved him more. She wished so many things that might never again come true.

motion, nearly falling into her food. Her hand automatically found the fork and speared a bit of the side salad into her mouth. It flavor was bile and blood and nothing she wanted to taste but she managed to swallow anyway. Lita risked a glance down at her bowl to find the salad pristine and looking almost delicious. She swallowed again, the

of water. It stung so bad

to make you eat on the floor.” She slumped back into her seat, letting the glass rattle on its way back onto the table. He tilted his head to the side

her was a wolf. Obviously a strong one, though she took some small joy in knowing he d been beaten by his son. I can’t wait until he guts you, she thought. Maxim’s eyes flickered to hers for a moment, as if he heard and approved of her silent thought, I am very proud of my son, girl. It is the way of the

his first introduction when he’d said her name. Was he dehumanizing her?

in the room with a


her seat with unwavering focus Another bow from Ben and then the door sicked closed. Talk about anal when it come to his home. Sure, it was clearly expensive in hit so was her mother’s house. This was different though. This was as if Maxim saw himself as some kind of royalty. A king

took his napkin, smoothing it den over his lap. The man was violence personificil. Everything he did, down to the way he held his knife against the steak on his plate, made her tremble. He drew silent ents

nothing more than a feeble fucking girl again. A girl whose wolf was gone? Or suppressed again? Fuck, she needed Nyx if she was going to stand a chance going toe to toe with his guards, let alone him. When she looked at Maxim, Lita felt the need to sulimit in every one of her bones. It was like a screaming instinct. Show her throat. How, It was so similar to her mother’s Alpha tone and yet be hadn’t needed to say a word. What kind of raw power did he exude to

heart thundered in her ears. If he found out where she was, he come for her. He’d come right back

his napkin against his clean shaven face. His dark, menacing eyes tracking every mation she made, “I hear you’ve got a

The words repeated in her mind until it

not,” Lita opted for the

Like a lightning strike. Like a snake bite. Like a blur of movement and precision and power he backhanded her clean out of her seat. Lita’s head

Something like shock began to sink in. This was a violence she was so familiar with, only less predictable. It was Brian only worse, because Maxim didn’t seem to be driven by anything emotional at all. His motives were clear and his mind seemed to move like

of blood everywhere. She felt feverish, hands shaking, legs curling under her as she slumped to the floor. She was pr sure she had peed on


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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