Hell or High Water

The mans evil grin showed a few missing teeth, probably knocked out and floating in this murky water. He had an old slash over one eye and several bruse blooming across his cheeks. He seemed exhausted, maybe hoping to take on an easier target as a break. From what Lita had seen, once a person started fighting, they were expected to continue without stopping. Tap, knockout or death. Those were the only options for stopping. Chris had bern the only exception she’d seen and she was sure most of that had to do with his position as one of Maxims trusted. If her being thigh deep in freezing rain was any measure, he probably hadn’t done good things to cam that position.

He lunged fast, tagging her in the chest twice. The hits were firm enough to make her stumble but hardly full power. Was he playing with her? Figuring the longer it took him to put her down, the more time he had before a real opponent. Or was he thinking she was like the other women? Could he not tell she was just as trained as he was? If not more so. His hits were sloppy, she knew but she couldn’t tell if that was because he was exhausted or not.

Lita then realized something that should have been obvious from the start. None of these men knew her. None of them knew she could fight or that she was an Alpha herself Not Chris, not Rem. Hell, it was likely Maxim didn’t even know the full truth of her. That’s why he’d been so concerned over dinner. Why he wanted to know if the reports about her wolf were true.

They all just saw a weak girl, injured and alone in the fighting pit. They saw prey, an easy kill. And she’d be damned if she’d give them what they wanted. What Chris wanted, What this man before her wanted, She wasn’t prey anymore.

The man brought his fists up to jab her again and without thinking, she swiped his legs. He went down hard, splashing water over himself as she climbed over his body. Never give them a chance to refaniale, Ace had said, How many fights had he proved just how effective that tactic way? And she wouldn’t waste the knowledge, holding the man’s head under with everything she had. It was him or her, kill or be killed.

away the liquid he spat. If she released even an ounce of pressure, he’d be on her. The best thing she had in her favor was the water and his exhaustion because she surely wasn’t in premium shape. She

his chest, dodging his fists though on skittered across her shoulder. He went below the water again, his fight lessening. The next time he forced his face up, she cracked his nose and that time he went down and didn’t come

off his body, only to be grabbed around the neck by a forearm. Another man held her from behind as she tried to kick away. Her wild eyes briefly met Chris’s bemused ones overhead as she

than she had been, and if her estimates were right, it meant Nyx was getting closer and closer to the surface. Just judging from her flexibility

he care that Maxim wanted her alive? Were they all really this unstable? Unpredictable? The man’s arm tightened enough to cut off her air. And she grimaced. Ace said never to let anyone get the

her forearm into his neck as she wrapped her legs around his midsection. He threw them backwards into the water, trying to scare her into releasing him. So they both went, and her head dipped under. Her back smacked hard against the concrete

her calf she hesitated. Would he honor his submission? Were these men even honorable? They seemed barbaric. Like they wouldn’t give a damn if she tapped and begged for her life. She could drown

her grip loosened and she shot up, hacking at the water in her nose and swiping away

focus trained on her. The others were still fighting but apparently, the cluster of men nearest her, were all ready to gang up. There was that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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