Never F*ck With Nyx

Shit. Shit. Shit. Lita’s heart pounded a mile a minute. They were screwed. Ren might have been able to take three men but three wolves? No one except a strong Alpha could probably take on those odds and even then, it would be a struggle. She watched as the other two began to shift as well.

Ren cursed, ducking a punch as his eyes flashed blue. He didn’t bother stripping before he was exploding into a brown wolf. Tattered scraps of clothing flew everywhere as men became animals. She flinched away when he snarled, wild and ferocious– their answers equally so.

This was bad… very bad, because once they were done with him, they’d be after her. And those were odds she was in no condition to overcome. Lita struggled to push back up to her feet, stumbling and light–headed, her human form battered and bruised.

In a flash, two had circled Ren, biting at him, backing him away from her. The third wolf peeled his green eyes away from the carnage to Lita, curling his lips away from his teeth. That strange heat built in her again. That stretching and pulling under the surface. She watched the saliva glint off his canines, the fur shimmering with droplets of rain, the cold, calculating gaze studying her in a way that was no longer human.

She couldn’t die like this. Wouldn’t.

He lunged, baring his teeth wide and her body just reacted, snapping and splitting itself apart until the roar that dragged from her chest was anything but human. Nyx. Her hands became paws, her body utterly animal and broad and fierce. She snarled using the full force of her Alpha wolf to knock her opponent back into the concrete, stunning him. The crowd gasped, everyone outside of the pit now motionless, mouths gaping.

Lita couldn’t even find the words to express how happy she was to feel her wolf, to let her out again. Her mind became a mess of tears and hope and heart–wrenching joy at the beauty of her wolf, at the strength, at her refusal to be tamed.

Everyone fair game? Nyx asked with a smile in her voice. She sounded tired, but whole… and pissed.

Everyone but the brown wolf.

Her red eyes found Ren, pinned, whimpering and scratching at the two wolves bearing down on his neck. Nyx clamped down on one of their back legs, dragging him away with a howl. Ren took the opportunity to surprise the remaining wolf, throwing him across the pit.

Meanwhile, Nyx’s claws sank into her opponent’s coat, pushing far enough that blood squirted up into her maw. That taste of blood, the salty, metallic tang was all she needed to lose it. She slashed a gash into his carotid and the world went red. She went for another fighter, this one still a man, and ripped him in two with her claws before he could even move.

Men turned from their fights, sighting her large black wolf and readying themselves to fight or flee. There would be no tapping, her blood drenched teeth said. Nyx tore through them all like bowling pins. Almost all of the remaining competition were body parts and screams and rivers of blood that turned the muddy water to paint at her paws. Thank god she didn’t eat anyone that Lita would have to throw up later.

fighters with enough strength to shift. Two wolves against six. And the odds felt good for once. Nyx was bloodthirsty and strong. She’d been training just as hard as Lita, if not harder and all the

body. It was an Alpha tone. Maxim’s, she realized as Nyx followed everyone’s eyes to the cool, angry face of Cole’s father,

her despite her being in wolf form. As if she had now confirmed every wayward suspicion he’d had, everything he had been told. She was an Alpha in her own right and now he understood why she was his son’s mate. Somehow, she wagered, that realization wouldn’t make him happy. It would likely make him more insane. Because she

the other wolves out with a small hop up to the edge. How daunting it

force her to listen. Lita watched the other wolves shift immediately, as if their bodies reacted before their minds. The tone left little room for free will, she remembered. Her mother had used it on her countless times, had made her into a puppet. But she didn’t


bare as the day he was born. He was giving her a hard look, as if to say Don’t challenge him. She doubted he was looking out for her, more likely he didn’t want it

certainly fight off a few tired guards. If she shifted, she’d never get away. Not now. Hell if she shifted, he’d probably kill her, probably poison her

Never F*ck With Nyx

with wildness, flashing red. A warning for her to comply before things got worse. He shifted his gaze to Ren, “Where

ran after he forced her in

on her paws. To the outside it might have seemed like a nervous gesture but it was anything but. She

can’t win this fight, Lita muttered, emotion

ཇ་ཇཱ ྃ་༅་ཇོ་ཥཾ ཡཾ

force, Nyx growled, That sack of shit thinks we’re

weren’t enough to prove we can hold

to prove our worth. Not that we owe

his Alpha tone?

ruffle their feathers.


Do you trust me?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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