I Promise Not to Hold Back

“Don’t look so relieved,” Maxim snorted as he took a forkful of food, “Unless you’re happy to get perhaps a glimpse of him before I put you out of my misery. Though I suppose I should thank you for playing your part.”


“It’s not relief,” Lita glared, showing him every ounce of venom she possessed, “It’s excitement. I’m going to get to watch you die soon… and I can’t

“Wishful thinking will get you nowhere, little pup. I know my son well enough to know how to offset his attack. Don’t you think I’ve prepared for this eventuality? Hoped for it, even? I mean why else would I hold you here? Why else would I let you live this long?”

Lita ignored the sting of fear. She wouldn’t doubt Cole’s ability or Andre’s planning. She wouldn’t doubt Ace or Alex or Mark or Brody or Stace. Hell, the whole pack was probably here for her. They were probably outnumbered but she was sure they would have a plan. They would find a way.

“Interesting that you think you’re prepared for whatever happens. Were you prepared for me to survive in the pits? Or for me to kill one of your top wolves without breaking a sweat? Don’t hold back now, Masle dear. Would you like an open casket funeral or closed? It’s important to iron out these details while you can still speak. Her smile was a thing of lethal beauty and Maxim had the good sense to look disturbed for a moment.

So much for pretending to be weak Nyx huffed a high pitched sound that must have been a laugh.

He pissed me off

Marie… ha! Pure gold, Nyx shook her for happily, a wolf wants to rip out your throat and eat it… If you were wondering.

I won’t, but thanks.

flashed a saccharine smile and took a sip of her wine, “Planning to find out just how much? I promise not to hold back. Her question startled Carlisle enough that he was quiet for a long while. And when Maxim seemed to decide not to kill her for the moment, merely taking a napkin to his lap and waving the auctioneer to continue, everyone went back to their casual conversation. Lita took a sip of water that burned her dry throat. Colle was here and there was no way in hell she could sit idle and wait for Maxim to do whatever

momentarily as the man who won the first auction walked back into the room. His relaxed gait didn’t distract from

found your purchase worth it Austin?” Maxim mused. Lita

idea now, Carlisle laughed, pointing his fork at Lita’s face, a bit of meat still dangling from the tines. Something cold and wet slid down her back, moistened the

thousand. Another man met his bid. And another. But he continued to raise all while meeting Lita’s frantic stare. They were paying for women… for pain

clapped twice and shoved the woman

to whisper into Lita’s still–stunned cars, “I bought her for

to tell her about these wolves, monsters, as Carlisle pushed away from the table with a scrape and rounded on the woman. He motioned for the auctioneer to hand him a tray covered in white linen. Lita didn’t have time to register what was on the tray or the fact that he held her stare

the reverberation. Air crushing and screaming in Lita’s ears.

like waste, Carlisle, Maxim growled over the noise, “Or staining on my

a touch, with a terrible grin, “But I also wanted to see her reaction.” He pointed a solitary finger at Lita and the whole table turned. All eyes on hers.

an amusing

the manN who wiped his hands

Not to

One was Nyx. He leapt before he could even think. Her legs were bloodied, her stance slipping as she

Midnight chanted

I’m here. I’m okay.

not. Who did it? He

Alpha. I am fine.

as if just noticing him at Nyx’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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