Who Called it Psychobabble Bullsh*t?

“So,” Elise cleared her throat, placing down her mug of English Breakfast tea. Lita leaned back on the plushy living room couch. She was happy Cole agreed with her about comfortable furniture over trendy because she could happily die on this cushion. Sighing, Lita pushed her hair out of her face, tucking some strands behind her ears.

*56, nightmares are still there. I don’t think they’re getting worse but they’re not getting better either.”

Elise nodded.

“I still go for a run when I wake up. Though lately, I’ve been training at the gym with a few of the new members. We haven’t spoken yet but it’s a peaceful silence. Guess, that’s something right.”

“Well, it’s only been a couple of weeks since everything happened, Lita. I’d say the fact that the nightmares are not getting worse is a marked improvement over last week when you could barely stand to sleep. And bonding with some new members, no matter how slowly, is a great start at becoming the Luna you want to be. That’s wonderful news. Are you still taking the sleeping pills?”

Lita shook her head, “They make me groggy and it’s harder to distinguish the dreams from reality when I take them. I don’t like how I react to Cole when I wake up.

“Do you want to talk about that?

Lita shook her head. She really didn’t. She didn’t want to tell anyone that her nightmares usually started with sex. She didn’t know what that meant and she didn’t like the implication. It could have just been the last she felt coursing through her veins. Trauma and her baser needs were constantly fighting. It wasn’t Cole. She still loved him and every time he showered or stripped out of his dirty workout clothes, Lita was reminded exactly how much she desired him. But things were… complicated at the moment.

“And the intimacy issue… how has that been going?” And there it was the elephant in the room between Lita and Cole. They were in a dry spell. The ridiculousness of it made her want to hide her face.

Lita groaned, “It’s. I don’t it’s not like I don’t want to… but he’s been so busy with the new pack members and establishing a stronghold with the fighting circuit. He’s hardly home and when he is, he seems tired. Plus, you know my emotions are all over the place. So… when he is home, we don’t usually have much to say. To answer your question, our sex life is nonexistent, and trust me when I say, the tension is driving me a little more insane than I’d like to admit. Maybe he’s just not that attracted to me anymore, I don’t know. Maybe he regrets all the trouble I’ve caused.”

“And that’s how you feel? That you’ve brought trouble into his life!”

“I mean not necessarily but… okay yea, a little. I mean with Brian stalking me and the potential for a lot of fallout with my parent’s pack. I mean, I’ve heard that he was disowned by his father after everything came to light with my mom but, it could’ve gotten ugly. I’ve heard things about Alpha Asher. I don’t think he would have let it go if Rafi pushed for it. And then killing Erica… Lita still cringed about that, And add on all of this fucked up stuff with Maxim… I mean he killed his own father for fuck sake. And of course, there’s Jaz… And whatever the hell that means where Ace is concerned.”

“Right, right. And so which one of those was your fault?” Elise asked innocently but Lita knew what she was doing. She was pointing out that Lita hadn’t been responsible for Brian’s stalking. Or Erica trying to kill her. And Maxim had been a problem for Cole since birth. There was always going to be a conflict there. Jaz had been spying on him before Lita was even in the picture… so yea… none of it was actually her fault. She didn’t know how to say that though, so Elise continued talking.

“Let’s talk this through…” Elise said gently and Lita knew whatever it was, would be a tough pill to swallow. Insightful, but tough. That’s just how Elise operated. “Cole has been Alpha of a pack for years now, right? And he built the pack all on his own!


about the same amount of time,


are very familiar with how all that

nodded, unsure of where Elise was going with

has to be much smaller. And while the infrastructure certainly needs his attention to accommodate

Who Called Paychobabble Bullsh’r

he also has

it would free him up to spend more time with you. I’m sure it’s safe to say that up until this point, he has always found time for you within his day? Is that fair to say?” Lita didn’t

it all appears to be work that doesn’t directly need an Alpha to oversee it once it’s set in motion. So, have you considered that Cole isn’t working this hard because he needs to be but because he would like to give you the space that you have

attractive. He knows, you know, that I’m aroused. I’m pretty sure he can smell it as easily as I can. And

in the way of those natural inclinations. I mean, if he just pounced because you were aroused it would be incredibly invasive don’t you think? Imagine a man saying

say. No, she hadn’t. She had never really needed to before. She’d always operated on the premise that consent once was consent always. Brian had taught her that and perhaps that was the worst possible guide to use. It

you need to have that conversation. He probably feels iced out and maybe he thinks you regret something. Especially since it was his father that abducted you. Perhaps he thinks you hold him responsible in some way. Maybe he thinks you can’t stand the sight of him. Maybe he thinks something more happened to you in your time at Maxim’s pack than what you admitted. It’s impossible

I can see-“Elise raised her finger

yes? And you probably spend a grand total of three hours in bed with him each night? You told me yourself you were ready to jump his bones in Masim’s office two weeks ago but by the time you made it back home to the compound, you were so tired you slept for two days. And after that, the nightmares started. That kind of sexual reaction can easily be written off as a side effect of heightened emotions. Maybe Colle doesn’t know what to do with the mixed signals. I would say that you have given Cole plenty of reason to think you don’t want

fuck.” Lita coughed. “That… I

in this scenario.” Elise’s cheeks turned tomato red as she waggled her brows. She wasn’t a prude and yet that innocent flush made Lita smile. There was only a few

you were abducted in the first place. Good relationships require a good balance between both sides. You both have to put in equal amounts of work. And if you feel like having sex, you should make that clear. Ripoff the bandaid already and tell him what

groaned uncomfortably, throwing her hands up in defense, “Alright, Alright! I get it. Can we

can’t hurt in making sure you’re getting some sleep either if I’m being honest. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that sleeping for three

assigned, Elise was gentle and she was a great listener. Lita never felt manipulated. Her being a werewoll and being new to the area as well was an extra benefit. Rafi helped connect them and though she couldn’t think of a

I ask you

her brow and raised her mug again as if to say of

full–time role here?” Lita looked at the floor. “It’s just… I met some of the new women and I really think they need you A much as I do. Probably more. They haven’t really talked to me yet but they don’t run away from nie. I’m just worried that they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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