Bonus Chapter- The Apple and the Tree

“Ladies and gentlemen

a female voice sliced through the basement air, cutting through the chatter immediately. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us during our semi–annual showcase. Let’s give a big round of applause to my pack and Alpha Asher for hosting the showcase this weekend.” She clapped her manicured hands in a gentle rhythm, directing her applause toward the side where some of those pack members stood nearby. Most were smiling at the woman’s praise, but a few, namely the men who stood shirtless in strange ceremonial pants, looked upset. Maybe upset wasn’t the right description. They were rigid and emotionless, stoically staring at the crowd through unseeing eyes. Their dark gazes swept the room as if they were looking for something to sink their teeth into.

“And of course, let’s encourage tonight’s tributes from Alpha Asher’s pack. He’s guaranteed us quite the show!” The applause grew. Lita considered the men more fully. These were tonight’s fighters? It made little sense to her. They weren’t small men, clearly Deltas or Betas, but they weren’t as fit as fighters normally were. If anything, they reminded Lita of Brian in build and stature. They were all naturally blessed with uncultivated strength, but that meant absolutely nothing in the ring. She fought the edge of a smirk, remembering how the others had dismissed these showcases as frivolous, and now she knew why. These men were here to put on a show, but certainly not to win against any real fighters.

spite the strange men, thunderous claps and howls broke out around the room, startling Lita from her thoughts. Was this for the competitors, or was Asher this well–liked? If she let Cole tell it, Asher was a sad excuse for an Alpha. A man who was a means to an end and nothing more. She looked around once more, noting how much he favored archaic imagery. Did he rule his pack in the same manner?

Ace had made it clear the Alpha was a no–nonsense wolf who appreciated luxury and obedience above all else. But did that ensure he’d be cruel or demand praise? Lita didn’t think so, but she didn’t think all her enemies would be as easy to identify as Maxim. She’d known from one look in his eyes that the man would be a monster. Brian had been more insidious with his evil, and something in Lita’s gut told her that if Asher meant her harm, he would be the same. His poison would probably taste sweet

Alpha Asher’s name inspired a vehement reaction, whether good or bad, and Lita could tell that the rumors of his far reach were not an exaggeration. Nearly every wolf, male and female alike, howled deeply as if the very air was electrified with promise. A wolf who inspired this kind of fealty had more power than Lita knew what to do with.

And he was her father. Lita inhaled a steady breath. Did he even know? She laughed at herself, drawing Cole’s steely eyes. He gave well aware of how thin his lee was at the moment.

e her a cautious glance,

Of course, Asher knew. How could the leader of the entire east coast not know he’d fathered a child with a she–wolf that wasn’t his Luna? Lita’s stomach turned to lead, sinking to her feet as she considered how long he might have known. Raf made it clear he hadn’t been aware. But Diane knew. Did she tell Asher? Had he known about her from the moment of her birth? Had he felt that familial tether tying him to another life? Or had be known since her mother and father had to declare their child to be a victim of a dormant wolf gene? Had he been aware of what Diane had done to suppress her woll? Had he approved of it, sanctioning her wolf’s misery and Lita’s own? Nyx growled low, crouching into an offensive position, ready to pounce at

any moment

Had he known when he saw her at community events? Just because Lita didn’t remember meeting him and Rafi hadn’t noticed, didn’t mean he wouldn’t remember meeting her. As if conjured by the thought, the Alpha in question stepped into the center circle and Lita nearly dropped her glass.

She knew him by sight alone.

Lita had recently begun to wonder if there would be some small similarities between them, something to mark her as his. But the musings hadn’t prepared her for the reality. He looked just like her. Or rather, Lita supposed she looked just like him, merely a copy looking at an original. It was so apparent now that she didn’t understand how no one else knew,

How did no one suspect it every time she went to community events? The icy dread of realization spread over her shoulders. Maybe everyone did know, Had the community chosen to let Rafi live in blissful ignorance? Had it been kept under wraps so Diane wouldn’t be punished? It would explain the looks she’d been getting and why she’d always been shunned by her peers. The great loneliness that left her vulnerable prey for Brian to claim was because of her appearance. She always suspected it might have been racial but now she knew it was familial.

Something miserable rose in Lita’s chest, prompting Cole to place a heavy hand at her waist.


single similarity between Rafi’s face and her least when she believed he was her father, Lita had seen some tint of his

smile, waving to the

tapered brows. The same brows she never had to arch. And they sat on a tanned face–the kind

hair curling around his face and down to the tip of his shoulder, Lita

The Apple

flat of his palm up in practiced humility before offering the crowd a small nod. He smiled wider as

of the other men she’d seen around the room, but it was

cheeks. Rounded small ears. Brilliantly dark

everyone! Please, enjoy yourselves! Then he gave a slight bow and disappeared back into the

starting in the next few minutes!” the woman resumed, a proud smile on her face. The room’s quiet murmuring picked up

interactions, Diane wore the beginnings of a scowl and the makings of a snide comment. Lita knew better than to believe the elitism wasn’t there, under the surface of this new woman. For a moment, Lita thought about how many things ran under the surface here. Maxim’s compound was terrible, but at least the dangers were obvious. They didn’t lurk or hide. Somehow, in this stuffy room, Lita felt more on edge than

Asher was clearly something and as she looked around, Lita noticed

with Brian. It was a quiet reminder that she didn’t even know her father’s first name. She referred to him the way strangers referred to Cole–as his last name. A

anush, and Cole was there instantly. His warm fingers brushed her own as he slipped the empty flute from her fingers. She ignored the comfort, choosing to fixate on the novelty of drinking instead. None of the wohes had ever cared that she wasn’t twenty–one yet and outside of that disastrous club

tease him. She was still angry at him,

and found this version of Cole was definitely her favorite. As it turned out, when Cole

already holding a plate of snacks and Cajitas out to her. He kept weeding out nosey wolves, steering them away from her in the form of clipped conversations. He moved in between her and the changing lights, blocking her from any errant beams

was the principle. Yet another instance of a man stepping in to do her dirty work. It was the principle of Cole deciding he knew the right

Stace snickered before sobering, “and that you know exactly where

right ahead and put yourself in that same doghouse as him, because why the hell didn’t you

quick cough before she said something Lita hadn’t

was bound to listen to my Alpha, but that’s not why. I could also tell you that I didn’t want to upset you when you were already so tense about coming back to your home city, but that wouldn’t be

I wish- Stace shook her

Apple and


Lita asked, surprisingly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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