Chapter 126 Turning the Tables

“We are responding to the false reports about Ms. Lewis online. From the beginning to the end, Ms. Lewis never hurt anyone.

“The truth of this matter was investigated thoroughly by the legal authorities, and evidence was collected according to the law.

“As for the false accusations made by Quine Group, we reserve the right to take legal action.”

Once the statement was released, the tide of public opinion turned immediately.

“The Quines tried to pull one over on everyone and ended up sabotaging themselves.”

“Anyone can see that this incident has nothing to do with Grace. They were just trying to put the blame on hér! Now the joke is on them!”

“They even had the audacity to say that they wouldn’t press charges! That’s an obvious sign of a guilty conscience!”

“The Quines really are shameless!”

But this wasn’t the end.

Just as the discussions online were in full swing, a voice recording was posted online. It was the conversation between Richard and Grace on the hospital rooftop.

to settle with

billion dollars!”

The Quines are

in my life. I’ve only seen that in my

count as extortion? One billion dollars! I think

Monopoly money would be

the Quines suffered such extreme backlash that they also

opinion had backfired, and now the comments were completely out

Richard saw the news, he

that, but after the recording was revealed, Quine Group’s


hour, the prices had already dropped by 10%.


hour later, the drop in share price reached

become public enemy

help but say it when she

a pregnant woman, and she can no

we provided, I think she can be sentenced to 20

assented. “That sounds about

a word up until now. Wasn’t the baby

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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