Chapter 139 His Protection

Just as Grace took her seat, a woman in her early 30s walked in with high heels, wearing black- framed glasses, and exuding a serious air,

Holding a stack of folders in her hand, she greeted Benjamin as soon as she entered, “Mr. Hawkins, it’s been a while.”

Hearing that, Benjamin looked up and raised an eyebrow, clearly recognizing her. “Ms.


Nexa Group’s director, Wendy Gardner, nodded slightly and turned toward Grace, Her eyes were filled with undisguised scorn. “This must be Ms. Lewis, right?”

Her tone was dripping with disdain.

Sensing her hostility, Grace frowned. As far as she knew, she had never met this woman.

“Hello, I’m Grace Lewis.”

Grace spoke politely, but Wendy crossed her arms arrogantly. “I know you. You’re Mr. Hawkins


her words fell, the atmosphere in the

managed to secure the position of Amirate’s president. It seems your capabilities are

smiled politely and replied,

was just a decorative figurehead without actual abilities. The latter had

had heard that her company intended to collaborate with Amirate, she had volunteered to attend this


competition can be fierce in the business world. If you’re not prepared, I would advise you to step down early to avoid

experience,” Grace replied calmly, showing that Wendy’s words didn’t

experience? How dare you say that, Ms. Lewis? What

just here to play house? Or are you suggesting that you have no intention to collaborate with us and that you’re


a male voice interjected as the door to the conference room swung open. Dressed in a dark,

stunned Wendy, for she knew Xander, the

She immediately dropped her arrogant attitude toward Grace. Her change was a perfect example of how people would

to Wendy. After pulling

a profound point,

company, we at Futurelink fully support Amirate. Unless, of course, you believe I’m not

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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