Beatrice narrowed her eyes.

Everyone in Hallsbay knows that old bugger, Laurence, for his promiscuity. He doesn't have any other capabilities other than womanizing. The only reason he can continue his philandering ways throughout all these years is that he has the Luther family as his support. That's right. He's a collateral descendant of the Luther family. Even Artemis has to address him as Uncle based on seniority.

“How do you plan on teaching him a lesson?”

With clenched teeth, Sienna said, “He loves women, doesn't he? Arrange one for him tonight. Then, live stream his cheating as* in front of the guests. Let Artemis and Mrs. Luther witness his embarrassing behavior for themselves. Mrs. Luther might not teach him a lesson, but I can't say the same for Artemis. With such a scandal tarnishing the name and pride of the Luther family, he will surely chase that old d*khead, Laurence, out of the Luther family.”

Something glinted in Beatrice's eyes as a scheme took shape in her mind.

I was just wondering of a way to push that b*tch, Bailey, to her demise. Initially, I planned to drug that b*tch, then have a bodyguard rape her. I'll live stream the entire thing, so everyone can see what a wh*re she is. However, I changed my mind after hearing Sienna's plan.

If Laurence is the one who rapes Bailey, Artemis will never accept a woman tainted by his uncle. I'm certain Theodore and Felicity won't approve of his relationship with Bailey, even if Artemis is willing to accept her. Having slept with an elder of the Luther family, Bailey will never marry into the Luther family.

With this plan, I can get Sienna to owe me a favor and deal with that little b*tch. I can kill two birds with one stone.

Her lips curved into a cruel smile at the thought. Suppressing her delight, she plastered a troubled look on her face. “Sienna, it's not going to do you any good if the Luther family kicks Laurence out of the family,” she said hesitantly.

Sienna scoffed. “He already squandered all his money after splurging them on his other women all these years. He's penniless, and I want to destroy him this way. I'll divorce him after the Luther family kicks him out. It's not going to affect me either way since I've already lined my pockets with more than enough funds from the Luther family to live comfortably for the rest of my life.”

Beatrice wrapped her arm over Sienna's and sighed. “When I first married into the Jefferson family, they all looked down at me and called me a home wrecker. You were the only one willing to befriend me. I remember your kindness even after all these years. I'll be doing you wrong if I refuse you now. Let me think of something for you. I'll make sure it infuriates Artemis and get him to kick Laurence out of the family.”

“Thank you, Beatrice.”

“Don't worry about it.” I'm the biggest beneficiary.

“Mrs. Luther and the Chiverses are here, Mrs. Jefferson. Mr. Jefferson

Beatrice's mood brightened.

here already? Wonderful! The show will be interesting

out of the lounge. A humble look

into Rhonda, who was also on her way

you made the necessary arrangement,

assured. I'll make sure that

over Beatrice's arm. “You're the

hopes up too early. The Chivers family considers that little b*tch as Edmund's child. Bailey will still have the chance to turn the table if

a line. “I'll coax that old lady from the Luther family into letting me move back to the Luther residence. Caridee, that unruly girl hates Bailey so much right now. I might have a chance to expose the little b*tch's

with a laugh. “You finally thought things through. Well, coax that old lady then. Her decision will decide whether you can marry into the Luther

I'll do

our original plan and drug her. Leave the rest to me. There has been a change of plan. We don't need a bodyguard to rape her anymore. We'll use another person who can surely make her life


welcomed Felicity and the

few exchanges of small talk, Beatrice asked, “Mrs. Luther, where's Artemis? I haven't seen

Artemis. The show can't go

Jefferson. He'll surely come since he already promised to do that. Maybe he's delayed by some work. Let's wait

commotion started at the entrance to

over to report Artemis'

aimed at the entrance of the outdoor ground, where the crowd

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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