Artemis massaged his temples. “What do you plan to do?”

He knew how serious the situation was. If the original designer decides to pursue this case, Bailey will no doubt be sentenced to prison. Not only that, whoever's involved in this matter will be negatively affected as well. This is just great. She completely copied the base design of Snowflake's work. Even though she added some contemporary elements, this is more than enough to be judged as plagiarism in court.

Caridee raised her chin and uttered through gritted teeth, “If she hadn't caused me trouble, I might have let this matter go by asking her to destroy the design draft. However, I won't tolerate the fact that she tried using me to become someone sought after by international celebrities. How dare she give me a plagiarized work and use my influence to become famous! There's no way I'll forgive her for using me like this!”

Artemis' expression tensed up as he asked one word at a time, “So, you're planning to hand this design to the court and brand her as a copycat to ensure she'll never be able to work in this industry again?”

“That's right. I want Bailey to organize a press conference and admit that she copied Snowflake's work. Then, I want to see her get the hell out of the design industry and never return!”

A cold look flashed across his dark, narrowed eyes. “What if I disagree?”

“That isn't your decision to make.” Felicity entered the room as she spoke in a stern tone. “My daughter is a daughter of the Luther family, a noble who deserves respect. Her coming-of-age gown is incredibly important, yet Bailey had the guts to deliver a plagiarized work to my daughter to ruin her reputation! You may be able to overlook this, but I can't.”

When Jessica saw the older woman, she smiled sinisterly. With her support, I doubt Bailey can get out of this! You reap what you sow, Bailey! Frankly, you were asking for it when you copied the work of a famous designer.

A vein popped on Artemis' forehead. I know how much Mom loathes Bailey. Now that she has gotten her chance, she's definitely going to cause a huge fuss.

time, Mom. Even though things have turned out like this, Artemis is still trying to

admit her plagiarism, we're also going to contact the original designer and have her sue Bailey! I'm making sure that b*tch is going to stay in prison for a few years. Only then will the sons of the Luther family and the Chivers family be spared from her

I said I wanted to send her to prison, but I don't really plan to do that. It's enough for me if

cousin won't give up on her unless she's in prison! The Chiverses' bloodline is noble. I will never allow the blood of an

slightly and

office table. “If my words have no effect on you, then I'll

the whole ordeal. I want to listen to Bailey's explanation

could definitely be

going to the legal department and letting them handle the case.

nerve to stay

left, Dwayne approached his boss fearfully and asked

his assistant. Then, his thin

living room of the Jefferson residence, Rhonda abruptly leaped up

seen on her face. “What did you say? Bailey's design is copied from Snowflake's famous

hour ago, she, Ms. Caridee, and Jessica went to the CEO's office. Then the three of them headed to Luther Group's legal department. It seems pretty clear that they're going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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