Depriving her of a chance to compete for the lead designer position and advance to the next level in her career, as well as being the subject of people's gossip was even worse than firing her.

Jessica could not accept the outcome. “No, you can't do this to me. You can't just stop me from becoming the lead designer. It's not fair.”

Artemis pressed his hands on the desk and said with a smirk, “You want to talk about fairness in front of a capitalist? You must be kidding. You can stay if you want to continue to work for the company. If not, you're always free to get the hell out of here. I know you have Eve behind your back, but she has no power to influence my decision.”

Jessica blanched at his words. Get the hell out of here? No way. I'll never be able to make a name for myself if I leave Luther Group.

Of all the companies around the world, only Luther Group could help her realize her dream. To her, all the other companies were nothing but child play. “Fine. I'll accept your decision.”

Looking away, Artemis started checking the documents. “Don't cause trouble anymore. You can't always expect Eve to get you out of trouble.”

Meanwhile, Felicity was reading a newspaper in the living hall in the Luther residence.

As she was flipping through the pages, she sighed. “What she did was right, but the method she used was wrong. I guess I could still use her, though.”

Walking up to her, Caridee glanced at the newspaper and pouted. “This Bailey is quite scary. Whoever went against her would be unlucky. Look what happened to Rhonda and Janice. Now, even Jessica has fallen from grace. That woman is quite a capable designer. I would have chosen her gown for my coming-of-age ceremony had she not plagiarized Snowflake's design.”

Felicity glared at Caridee and reprimanded her, “Stop paying so much attention to that copycat. We won't be able to use her gown anymore since the scandal is all over the news. I'll get in touch with Jessica and get her to customize another gown for you. I hope this will help her get her position back.”

Narrowing her eyes, Caridee asked, “You must have an ulterior motive for helping Jessica, right? If I'm not wrong, you want to use her to deal with Bailey, right? Don't you think the plagiarism case could take her down?”

“It's not that easy.” Felicity sighed. “Artemis and your cousin are defending her, and I'm sure they're planning their next course of action now. The plaintiff might not win the case. Besides, Artemis is in control of Luther Group, and he has the power to influence the verdict.”

A hard glint flashed across her narrowed eyes. “This is going to be a long, arduous battle. I'll do what it takes to stop Bailey and her b*stards from entering the Luther or the Chivers family.”

“That woman is too much. Does she not know where she stands? She already has two children and still dreams of marrying into a wealthy family. Does she think she's in a fantasy or something?”

“Women are vain and greedy creatures. We're born into prestigious families, so we'll never understand their desire to climb the social ladder.”

Meanwhile, Bailey was leaning on the couch while playing a game on her phone in a unit on level six in Bayview Condominium.

washroom in her nightgown. “I've prepared the clothes for you. I've only worn them

beckoned Victoria over with her

eyes, sneering, “I can't give you the pleasure you need, so it's

What in the world...

future. Are you not afraid that

beside her and snorted.

he decides to take

froze as

Victoria's shoulders with her hands. “Vicky, let's have a talk about Lionel. Stop running away,

Let's not dwell on the past,” Victoria responded to Bailey's question in a shivering

into her eyes.

do this to me,

released her friend from her grip. “I have

“This is going to be a long, arduous battle. I'll do what it takes to stop Bailey and her b*stards from entering the Luther

Bailey in a husky voice, “Let's not talk about him, Bay. We talk about something

“He's married.”


has a

it. Stop

cheeks. Looking wretched, she continued begging Bailey, “Stop

when the latter was about to fall and remarked in a hoarse voice, “He married his wife at Illurasia,

I'm waiting for him to exact his revenge, to marry me. H-How could he marry someone else? Why? How could he forget the love we once had? Is

tears from rolling down, Bailey forced a smile. “Men are worse

Victoria roared. “I love him. I love him very much! He has become a part of me now.

lost him. No... he abandoned me. He went to Illurasia with

Vicky. It's over between you and Lionel the day Mr. Benjamin passed away due to a heart attack. Since the day your father sent him to sleep with his stepmother, it was over between you

Victoria burst into tears.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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