After searching for a month, the martial arts world in Japan finally found out that the Moon God was in India.

They then deployed a group of men there to invite her to return to the country.

“I'll go back in a couple of days!” She waved her hands and instructed the Japanese envoys to leave.

But she did not return to Japan in the next ten days.

“Quick! Go and get her back again!”

The Chu Sect had arrived at Smealand just as the situation was about to spiral out of control.

The martial arts world in Adrune had surrendered. Soon, it would be Smealand's turn.

Mochizuki Kawa learned that the sect was traveling in two groups. One of the groups traveled through the Pacific Ocean, while the other headed in Archulea's direction.

Clearly, they had marked the weaker opponents as their initial targets and would subsequently take the more powerful ones down.

Once they conquered the martial arts world in Smealand and Archulea, they would set their eyes on the continent—Eurasia.

The martial arts worlds in all countries were calling all their fighters and warriors to return.

War God Castle even issued a global mobilization order to summon all its warriors to return to their homeland to fight against Chu Sect.

Everyone knew it was outright impossible for a country to defeat the invaders.

Countries must join forces by forming a military alliance to increase their chances of winning against the sect.

Yet, this strategy was impractical.

After all, each country on the Eurasian continent had their own agenda in mind and wanted to protect their respective interests. If the plan did come to fruition, the leaders would have to decide on the location of the base operation and the candidate for the alliance's commander.

Many would most likely not agree to station the troops in China.

What if Chu Sect defeated China and turned its attention to the other countries?

The sect had recently been starting wars all over the world. No one could predict their next course of action.

Time was ticking away, and luck was obviously not on the martial arts world's side.

had no idea what was

Invoke the Celestial Cloud was swirling intensely within his elixir

every breath exhaled, a mass power from the universe began

thinning, Ye Fan could still absorb it from the


Moon God, who was waiting in the courtyard,

been three

him in for three whole

Fan had long overstayed

the goddess wanted to

out of the house, she would always

having a breakthrough during solitary training and how dangerous the process could be

to experience a massive breakthrough since he had been in solitary training for

he would lose himself and go mad. That would also mark

Moon God wanted to but

knew the man held a

knew her departure might have an irreversible repercussion on Ye Fan. I guess Eigetsu would hate me to death had

why Moon God decided to

Mochizuki Kawa and

We'll not leave India without her!” The Sword God made

leave, Sword God.

further put the country in jeopardy if all of us left. Should Ye Fan seize this opportunity to invade Japan, our country would be doomed!” the other warriors exclaimed, hoping

since our guardian has abandoned the country and the citizens? Come on, let's go. Let's go to India right

Japanese martial arts world into India and eventually tracked

in the courtyard when they found

exploded with rage. “Your Highness! Your citizens are in grave danger, and our martial arts world is at risk


thought the goddess could not leave India because of emergencies, but

back to Japan with us, and you can meditate for as long as you want. Please come back with us!” All the Japanese warriors

Tenshin kept mum and took a glance at the room behind

no reaction from the

more time,” she

you need more time for? We've been waiting for you for months, Your Highness! Our country is going to fall apart. Please come


a reason

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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