“Chu Tianfan, how dare you...”

“You're getting out of line!”

The elders all let out a low growl of anger at Ye Fan, furious that Ye Fan made them do something so humiliating. We've never even knelt before Ms. Junie, and now we have to do it to him?

To them, there was nothing more shameful than getting on their knees for an outsider.

“I'm getting out of line? What about you? How dare you lay a finger on Junie!” retorted Ye Fan without a second thought.

“That's nonsense! Ms. Junie is only getting punished because she violated our rules. We have every reason to give our Master her due.”

“Not only did you step out of line when you interrupted us, but now you wish to twist the truth as well?”

“If word of your actions ever gets out, the world will know how arrogant and unreasonable you are! I think they'd agree with us that we're the ones getting bullied.”

Even though the elders were forced into a position of humility, they remained defiant.

“What a joke! Do you think this is me bullying you? Why would I do that when I can kill you all without breaking a sweat? The only reason you're still alive is that I'm determined to unmask you hypocrites!

“You gather in large numbers to deliberately put Junie in a difficult position so that you can punish and humiliate her in front of all your sect members. You said that you were only doing this because she violated your rules, but I know you only wanted to undermine her just so you could take full control of Elysian Hall. You're all just a bunch of scheming old snakes who claimed to be upholding your rules. Do you think you can fool me with your false sense of justice? You people have no shame!” explained Ye Fan while staring coldly at the elders.

He gave the elders no quarter and outright exposed them, shining a light on the truth.

Since the previous head of Elysian Hall had appointed Junie, her position was basically indisputable.

However, none of the elders liked the idea of a weak woman leading the sect, so they had been plotting on manipulating her as their puppet.

warranted punishment in private, but the elders deliberately made a big deal out of it by gathering everyone in

was to undermine Junie and make themselves look good

off the punishment in front of all the sect members, it would not be long

Ye Fan. Having dealt with all kinds of people for

like that, the hypocritical

elders kept their heads and dared

really think that Junie was all alone, and she had nobody to protect her? Then let me remind you that she still has the entire Dragon God Hall and me backing her. You will all pay for trying to take advantage of somebody who belongs with me!” Ye Fan's roar was so fierce that

be reckless enough to kill them. How can he be so unsparing! After all, we're

already summoned his infinite energy and

emanating from the man was so intense and

choice but to put their hope on the woman hiding behind

really going to just let him kill us? If

just trying to do what was best for the sect. Please!

pants, for they knew the man ranked number one on the Sky Ranking was ready to unleash

Supreme whenever he wanted to, much

any of them decided to take Ye Fan head-on, they would be

pitiable the elders were, Junie eventually caved and so stepped

communicate without saying a word. All they needed to do was take

only had to take one look at Junie


elders were less

before him, Ye Fan never

heart.” Junie knew the elders did not mean to harm

and spare these dogs

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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