“Welcome home, the son of Mr. Chu!” the group chorused respectfully after Li Er.

Everyone from Yunzhou stood on both sides, making way for the child.

Their voice was so thunderous it echoed through the whole mountain.

In the cheers of the crowd, a child went up the staircase leading to the villa, following a dashing woman in military uniform.

It was none other than Ye Yuyan—Ye Fan's cousin.

“Aunt Yuyan, is this the place Daddy used to live in?” the child asked.

To him, the whole place looked dreamy with the moonlight engulfing it.

He lifted his head and looked across the whole mountain before turning back toward the villa.

It never once occurred to him that his father had left him a whole “empire.”

“Mr. Chu? That Mr. Chu? Chu Tianfan?” Lin Tianhu might not be a native of Jiangdong, but given Ye Fan's fame, he had undoubtedly heard of him before.

Does he mean the King of Jiangdong? That Mr. Chu? But he's dead! He died three years ago!

Lin Tianhu had never expected to hear the name of the deceased man again. While he was still caught in shock, Jin Bao and Yin Bao went over and slapped him hard in the face until he spurted blood out of his mouth.

“You must be dumb to call your men on Mr. Li Er of Yunzhou! Mr. Chu may not be around anymore, but Mr. Li is still here. And as long as he lives, the whole Jiangdong belongs to the Chus,” the two warned.

It was then that Lin Tianhu finally realized who he was dealing with.

“L-Li Er? You're Mr. Li Er of Yunzhou? I-I didn't know you were back.”

was unaware of the local power dynamics. He knew

be the right-hand man of Mr. Chu. He

Li Er retired from all

was why Lin Tianhu could do as he wished in Yunzhou, including using his influence to get this villa for himself. However, he was caught off guard when

looked down at Lin Tianhu apathetically. “It doesn't matter if I'm back

the child's hand and walked right into Mount


of the legacy of that heroic

whole life

was to be closer to the legendary figure. Therefore, upon

storm. His son must also

back and looked at Lin Tianhu and

Lin, and he will reign the world,” he exclaimed in a loud voice, sending ripples of echo

the kid would eventually grow up to inherit his father's legacy, eliminate

days, the whole

had gathered at Mount Yunding, including Ye Fan's relatives

at the War God Castle to defend themselves under the lead of three Hall

the Chu Sect, their attempt to guard the castle from the attack of the

was no more than a hundred years

were forced back at every point until the army of

of the War

like a massive stretch

with blood as

doors of the Xu residence in Yanjing were tightly shut as

prominent families in the area, an attractive lady dressed in a plain white long dress was standing by the window as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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