“Take it easy, Moon God!”

When Mochizuki Kawa and the others saw Moon God acting so recklessly, they wanted to stop her.

Alas, Tsukuyomi couldn't possibly allow them to hold her back.

She forcefully shoved the Japanese martial artists blocking her path away and sprinted toward Ye Fan desperately.

Perhaps she tugged on her injury, but blood again gushed out of her abdomen.

However, that didn't matter to her anymore.

No matter how painful her physical injuries were, the agony paled in comparison to the distress within her at the sight of her master injured.

By then, Ye Fan had already stood up from amidst the ruins.

With Dragon God Body having been thwarted, his clothes had also been long since ripped to shreds.

Blood trickled down his arm.

Beneath the broken skin, one could vaguely glimpse milk-white bone.

Such anguish inundated Moon God that tears streamed down her face.

Hugging the man hard, she sobbed, “Let's not battle anymore, Master. Never again. We'll go back to Jiangdong. Let's go home...”

The girl who was weeping as she hugged Ye Fan right then was no longer Japan's highest deity who previously took the country by storm and astounded the entire world. Instead, she was merely a young maiden in love, a girl who was worried about the person she liked.

Simply put, she was but the innocent girl Ye Fan took everywhere with him back then, Suzumiya Eigetsu.

In her world, there was no grand undertaking or Japan and its citizens.

To her, the country and its survival were illusory.

Only her master was real.

Her world consisted of Ye Fan alone.

She had already lost him once, and she didn't want to experience the torment of losing him again.

For that reason, her heart almost shattered into a million pieces when she saw Blaze injuring him.

As she wailed in utter distress, she appeared just like a child.

“It's just a paltry injury, silly. I've experience life-and-death situations countless times, so such a paltry injury is nothing.”

Ye Fan never expected her immense grief at his superficial injury.

Unbeknownst to him, Suzumiya Eigetsu was afraid that she would lose him once more.

she had experienced such pain that she was


him tightly. Burying her head in his chest, she repeatedly

him to return

the warmth

Ye Fan's

fighting and being adrift, her heart, which had been weak in the first place, had long since been riddled

had never been influenced

go home, return to Jiangdong,

were no battles or bloodshed there, much less the risk

thing that existed

so much and witnessing the sufferings of the world, possessing the so-called influence and power is nothing in the grand

Dongchang Lake with you again. Soon... When this battle draws to an end, I'll take you wherever you want to go and allow you to eat whatever you want. But now, let me settle

Fan's expression gradually turned

that had been scattered spewed and condensed at his elixir field once

a flame that rekindled from the ashes, his

pinned a sharp gaze

underestimated this

in this world who could injure him,

Unfortunately, he miscalculated.

the Dragon God Body he had relied on for years would actually be no match for

Master... I beg you. Please don't battle

on Ye Fan's clothes, she shook her head at the man with tears

capabilities yet. Next, I'll

Fan's expression

corners of his upturned mouth carried a bloodthirsty murderous

time, his initially placid

golden light that reassembled flashes of lightning gradually flared on

flares started circling

could distinctly see golden patterns

one in the beginning, but

three golden Thunderstripes emerged on Ye Fan's


warning, Ye Fan stomped his feet on

lean body started rising into the

him, clouds gathered, and

hair stood up on ends

“W-What is this?”


the scene before them, the expressions

showed in the eyes

of those present had interacted

pretty clear about the man's

had never seen him using

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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