Chapter 38 Chloe, You Sure Are Clear-Headed

“No, I was here for a job interview,” replied Chloe.

“You had a job interview with the Baxons?”

“Yeah,” Chloe confirmed.

“How did it go? Did it go smoothly?” Icarus inquired.

“No.” Chloe shrugged as she sighed dejectly. “It’s difficult to find a job these days.”

Icarus gestured toward her resume. “May I have a look?”

“Sure,” she replied, handing it over.

After reading through her resume, Icarus remarked, “Objectively speaking, you are indeed outstanding among your peers.”

“And subjectively?” asked Chloe as she fixed her gaze on Icarus.

“Subjectively, in my opinion, you’re extraordinary,” Icarus answered.

an exceptional candidate, with a four-year streak of receiving scholarships during her time in university, attending internships at two major corporations during her sophomore year, and achieving excellent results on all her projects. Upon graduation, she even led

impressive performance during her internships. He vaguely recalled hearing the name of this small company a few times from Jake, but at the time, he paid

smiled. “You’re too kind. If I really

finding a job.”

believe you’ll find one

hidden meaning of his words and responded with a simple nod and a brief expression

walk away, Icarus took out his


another ten minutes. If you aren’t down

of similar age to Icarus emerged from the Baxon’s office, carrying a briefcase and complaining, “We’re so busy

your own business?” Icarus

have a wife and kids. The risk of starting a business at my age is too great,” the

at Baxon isn’t a bad choice. Didn’t you get promoted recently? I’m sure you’ll become one of the top executives

brings happiness,” the man agreed.

your department still looking for people? I just met a talented young woman with commendable fast updateJoseph had given her and her afternoons looking for a job. In the evenings, she would buy groceries

and cook.

third day, Joseph instructed her to pick

out of town.

up the topic of meeting the parents and the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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