Chapter 41 Is Chloe Not Your Daughter?

Joseph stiffened and murmured robotically, “Yeah.”

Chloe’s words were so pleasant that Harold felt like he was wrapped up in a cotton jacket. He beamed so wide that his smile reached his eyes. “Okay, okay. I’ll do as you say, Chloe.”

They enjoyed their dinner in a harmonious atmosphere, and before Harold left in his *car, he remembered that the two families had yet to meet. However, he resisted the

urge to bring up the information he had uncovered about Chloe’s family.

‘Well,’ he thought, ‘I could just meet them on my own.’

After seeing off Harold, Chloe removed the stickers on the refrigerator and carefully wiped off the glue that stuck to it with a cloth. As she wiped, she told Joseph, “I’ll make it sparkling clean. I’ll remove the potted plants on the balcony too. Rest assured. Your house will go back to exactly the way it was before.”

Joseph felt a bit embarrassed at Chloe’s words. She made it sound like he was the one being unreasonable here. He picked up the leash to take Toto for a walk and said, ‘

Never mind. Let’s just leave it as it is. Grandpa will visit again, and it’s too troublesome to keep rearranging things.”

“You’re right.”

In any case, Chloe did not feel like cleaning everything, so she put away the cloth and went to the bathroom to take a shower. As she approached the bathroom, she turned to Joseph and said, “By the way, what do you think of Baxon Corporation? I’m planning to


an interview

a job?”

“Yeah, just today.”

understanding why Joseph was not responding, a look of

Chloe’s face.

there was an indescribable, spine-chilling feeling to it as

she had upset him and forced

is Chloe

of work at Fairlight, so even if I wanted to work there, it’s not

momentarily silent before saying, “Baxon’s pretty

unpredictable reactions and

lay down, she remembered the “surprise” she wanted to give Joseph

she had to secure the job before making any moves on Joseph. With a job in hand, she would not have to worry even

next day was overcast, and the streets below the commercial building were crowded with people who seemed busy with their own affairs. They held cups of coffee and looked down at their phones, paying no attention

staff member,

was aware that it was probably the best opportunity she could get for the time being. As an unemployed individual, she could not afford


an upscale club, Benjamin was

“Make sure to give your performance later. We can’t afford to make any mistakes. This is very important

Dad,” Ava reassured him.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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