herished By Seven Sisters

+10 pearls

Chapter 47 Compassionate But Firm

“What are you talking about, Dr. Faraday? I–

Lincoln cut her off by hanging up the phone, so she couldn’t even find out what was going on. Caylie tried calling back immediately, but Lincoln had switched his phone off, and Emrys wasn’t answering her calls either.

Caylie began to panic and drove all the way over to jadeborough as fast as she could.

Oh, no. Please don’t let anything happen!

After switching his phone off, Lincoln turned toward Emrys and said. “You siblings brought this upon yourselves. I’m quitting my job here at Apricot Hall. Let’s see how you two keep this business running after I’m gone!”

He then stormed out of the front door with his two mentees following behind him.

People chose to visit Apricot Hall mainly because of Lincoln’s reputation.

Since he was gone, the patients decided to leave as well.

furious glances as they walked out of

luck! Apricot Hall deserves to be shut

time, so having to leave because of Emrys causing a scene did not sit well

patients were all leaving, the woman picked up her baby and

said. “Your daughter is in critical condition, maam! We cannot

might’ve been cured long ago if


cold as he said, “I will only say this once. Your daughter will die for sure if you feed her that

felt bad for the little girl, but he knew

often told me that medical practitioners would need to stand firm on their principles while being compassionate. I didn’t understand it back then, but I do now. I’m the Empyrean Lord, whose name strikes terror



Chapter 47 Compassionate…

+10 pearls

Well, I’ll let fate decide what happens to

that in mind, Emrys let out a sigh and made his way back

nuts!” the woman shouted and left

steps out the door when her


of heat seemed to disappear from her daughter’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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