11:21 Fri, 19 Jan

Cherished By Seven Sisters

Chapter 63 An Argument Among Students

From that day onward, Apricot Hall would cease to exist there.

At the end of the day, their efforts for the past two years had gone to waste.

+10 pearls

When enough people had gathered, Lincoln chirped, “Everyone, I’ve invited my seniors and juniors today for the benefit of everyone. Today, each one of you can get a free physical

examination at Four Pillars Hall.”

The news threw the crowd into a frenzy.

After all, the medical practitioners there were so famous that the citizens could never get an appointment. The fact that they were providing free physical examinations was unexpected news.

It was like a blessing from the heavens.

“Dr. Faraday’s the true definition of a great doctor, unlike a certain someone, who has no skills at all and only knows how to beat others up.”

“Let’s get treated at Four Pillars Hall in the future. I’m never going back to Apricot Hall, no matter what. It needs to shut down!”

As the crowd continued to make criticisms, more winding queues began to form as they waited for the medical professionals to examine their bodies.

Lincoln subconsciously glanced at Apricot Hall and smirked slyly. Just then, he spotted a figure.

It was Mathias Jenkins.

Why is he here?

Mathias, too, had studied under Duncan. However, the two were on bad terms Rumor had it that Mathias was a

that Mathias had shown up when he never contacted the

fellow students have contacted him so he could come over

were the case, Lincoln would be more than willing to mend their relationship, but as soon as he approached Mathias, he realized the latter was standing in front of Apricot Hall. In other words, Mathias was not

up to read the signage above the clinic before asking Caylie,

written all over her face, absolutely unaware of the purpose of

man’s visit.



Chapter 63 An Argument…

+10 pearls


grinned. “I’ve come to

said nothing more and stood facing Apricot Hall, expressing his stand with his

no mood to ask Mathias questions. She had enough to worry about, thanks to Four

competitor’s clinic, and all of them were big shots. Even if there was one person supporting Apricot Hall,

Upon spotting Mathias, the man rushed forward to ask,

I have no idea what the opportunity he mentioned is. He made it


can it not be when Lincoln contacted half of our teacher’s students for

our side is quite weak. Hopefully, Patrick isn’t

two men were colleagues in the medical field who had promised Patrick to show Apricot Hall

were once roommates and had an incredibly close relationship. Hence, the two did not think Patrick would trick them for


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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