Chapter 28


Daran’s mind went totally blank. His body froze as though an ice bucket was dumped on his head.

“Shut your fucking mouth!” Casper roared.

He raised his arm and threw a punch at Baron, knocking two of Baron’s teeth out of

his mouth

“Don’t you dare say that! Janet is not dead!”

Baron staggered to the side. His mouth was filled with blood as he mumbled, “Don’t take it on me Alpha Casper! I didn’t want it either…”

“Then why didn’t you go and help them!” Casper snapped, “You still got one teammate left! With your help, Janet might not be-”

“But I thought we were competitors.” Baron answered slyly, “It was Janet’s idea to have this competition in the first place. It is not my duty to help my rivals.”


“And since Gamma Janet could beat me in the wrestling field-” Baron shrugged, “I trust her to take down a few easy beasts?”

Casper’s face turned furious.

He was about to throw another punch at Baron when Daran abandoned them abruptly and rushed to the north.

Daran’s steps were still steady, but his heart was pounding wildly against his ribs.

He didn’t believe that Janet was dead.

Just like he refused to believe that Janet was killed by the rogues 6 months ago.

His ex–Luna was a strong, fierce woman.

taken down by a few

caught up with

of blood grew stronger

later, the group of them found themselves standing in front of


was astonished by the scene in

must be more than 30 dead bodies of bears piled up on the ground, like


fight must have fought here not long ago–trees were knocked down, the

the very top of this pile of dead bear’s bodies stood a

shade of the silver moonlight and the texture of silk. Blood had tainted some part of its body, but

dug into the neck of

it’snapped its head ripping off a

and dropped dead without a

believe their

…30 crazy bears.

killed by

man Bobbie couldn’t even

did Janet manage

as it elegantly jumped down from the pile of dead bears

was astonished by the dazzling beauty

crying urgently inside of him. His mouth turned dry, his

to come

another person had beat him to

in his arms, “What the fuck…What

and said, “Some said they came from rogues‘

Casper nodded hastily, “You need

not me.”

to the side and pushed a bush aside, revealing

Balvina and Kass!

said weakly. “Take them back and find

had passed out already, but Balvina still had

Janet just said, Balvina struggled to pull herself up from the ground and insisted, “No I’m fine…you guys help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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