Chapter 84: Confessions

“You have no idea what it was like to grow up in my family!” Serena said. She was trying to remain calm, but how could she when she was going to have to dive into all her past trauma? “Your family loves you,” Logan said. “I know that, Logan!” she spat. “They love me and I love them. There is nothing we wouldn’t do for each other, but that’s not the point. I wasn’t chosen to be the next Alpha, my twin was.”

“Why does that matter?” Logan asked. He knew that in multi-child households where one was to become the Alpha, the other could get less attention. Serena didn’t show any outward signs that she hadn’t felt loved or adored.

“It matters because after we hit a certain age, Santino was the one they did everything for. It didn’t matter what I wanted, it didn’t matter what my goals were or anything about my own life. We always did everything Santino wanted. Whatever food he wanted to eat, the vacations he wanted to take, it was all about furthering his education.”

prove myself,” she explained. “You never had to prove yourself to them,” he said. It was a nice sentiment, but Serena shook her head, scoffing. “You don’t get it,” she said firmly. “I had to show my family I was worth being proud of, that my education and that my personal wants and needs were worth paying attention to. So, I decided to go for something no one else in my family had. Something that would make me just as needed by the pack and just as important.” Logan watched her. Serena shook her head again. She turned around, looking out the small window in the treehouse. The ground looked so far below! Wind blew by and the treehouse creaked. Thankfully, Logan was listening rather than raging and getting out of control. Serena hoped he would keep it together, if for no other

could be just as good as Santino, and that I could be an Alpha too.” Logan chuckled, shaking his head. Serena glared

Logan reminded her. Serena gave a humorless smile. She sighed, leaning against the wall of the treehouse. More wind blew by, and leaves whirled around outside. “So, I left to pursue my own avenue to the same kind of strength and worthiness as my brother,” she went on. “I was determined to measure up. I was determined to show my family my worth. There was no turning back for me.” “And that’s why you stayed in the human world after having the twins?” Logan asked, filling in parts of the story. Serena chuckled. “You’re skipping ahead,” she said. “First, I found out I was pregnant. I was terrified! | had no support in the human world. I was used to having the pack to fall back on. I already knew how rigorous my schedule with medical school was, and I had no means of support as far as a job.” “But you still didn’t ask for help?” Logan pointed out. Serena shook her head. “I couldn’t!” she insisted. “If I’d told my parents I was pregnant, they would have come and taken me from medical school. They would have brought me back to the pack, and my career would have been over before it began.” “That would have been easier;” Logan said. Serena scoffed and shook her head. “You’re just as bad as them!” she said, throwing her arms up in the air. Her hands hit the ceiling of the treehouse, and she retracted them, rubbing the backs of them. “I get it Serena, needing to prove yourself. Don’t you think I felt that way?” he asked. “I became Alpha younger than almost any

way I could ensure that my baby…babies…wouldn’t cost me my career. I wasn’t willing to give up either.” “That is admiral,” Logan admitted. “But in all that time, you didn’t think about contacting their

I could. That meant finishing medical school and returning to the pack. I didn’t have time track down the father.” “Track down me,” Logan said

mistake,” she admitted. “I had to reevaluate what I

Logan asked. Serena nodded. “I almost came running back to the pack, tail between my legs. I found my strength, though,” she said. “When I first held them in my arms, that was when I knew I had made the right choice. I was alone in a hospital, no friends, no family, just my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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