25. Brothers ALEJANDRO ” How the fuck do you kill one ? ” I repeated , my voice cold and emotionless , yet laced with authority that she dared not defy , even if she wasn’t a werewolf , a ” I … I do not know . ” I didn’t know if I should fucking believe her or not . ” 1 ” Then how about you try to find out . ” It could cost you your life . ” She replied quietly . Something told me she knew more than she was fucking letting on . ” Well , I’ll be waiting for the answer …

I’m sure you wouldn’t care what the fuck happens to me . ” Not at all , but you are also vital for the balance . ” Her clipped voice came . ” I don’t plan to die . Get me the answers I want , or I’ll get them myself . This involves your niece too , remember ? ” Although she didn’t go around stating it , Janaina was Delsanra’s paternal aunt . ” She is your family and I’m sure you will find a solution . ” She replied dismissively . ” Yeah , I fucking will , with or without you .

So just do as I’m fucking asking , all I need is the answer , I’ll do the rest . ” ” Very well . ” She said reluctantly , after a moment of silence . ” If anything happens to you , I will not be responsible to answer to your queen . 11 ” It won’t come to that . ” I hung up , my brows furrowed deeply . Killing the Alpha behind this was not going to be enough , I knew that I needed to kill the Djinn too … I threaded my hands together , dropping my legs to the ground and leaning forward .

>> How to kill a Djinn …. I wouldn’t just rely on Janaina to find that answer , I’ll look for my own too . I returned home when night had fallen , whilst Elijah instantly pulled Scarlett aside , kissing her like he had fucking been away for years . Well , I was just being a fucking hypocrite because when I found my mate , I planned to kiss her until she begged for air . She had mind linked earlier to ask if I’ll be back by dinner and I told her we would . The house was a fucking storm of sound , but one that I didn’t really hate . I could hear the girls laughing and shouting in excitement , whilst Ahren and Tatum were fighting over a toy .

Sienna was toddling along , trying to escape from the room . While Delsanra lay on the sofa with a blanket over her , Raihana was sitting next to her , using her magic to make Sienna do a 180 – degree turn . The poor kid looked fucking confused as she kept her balance , blinking those dark grey doe eyes of hers as she realised she was no longer facing the door . Why the fuck did kids look so fucking deceiving .

They were not innocent … Kiara was trying to soothe the boys , looking fucking smoking hot in that tiny dress of hers … Her sandy brown hair cascaded over her shoulder as she broke up the fight , Tatum ran off with the toy whilst Ahren glared after him angrily . Maria was braiding Skyla’s Irair , Azura and Kataleya had similar braids in their hair as they ran circles around Maria and Skyla . ” Whose fucking annoying you ? ”

I asked Sienna , picking her up as all eyes turned to me . Kiara stood up , coming over as Sienna looked near tears . Yeah , she was at that stage where she got fucking tearful if I picked her up . ” Uncle , hey . ” Raihana gave a small wave . ” 1 ” Hey . ” I pulled Kiara close , kissing her lips hard , fuck I missed her . I tried not to pay attention to how fucking good her body felt pressed against mine and those tits …. Let’s just say I’ll be admiring them later . ” You look fucking divine . ” I murmured , slowly kissing her neck over her mate mark . Satisfied with the soft sigh that escaped her , I let go of her and she took Sienna from me just as she burst into tears .

Raihana stood up and I walked over to her , giving her a tight hug . She was a decent height and with those heels she was nearly six feet .. ” What happened ? Did you empty the entire pot of glitter on your face or some shit ? ” I asked ,

Chris , remarked upon entering the room . These two were fucking made for each other , if their pup was half as fucking conceited as them , then I felt fucking sorry for his mate … Well , the moment they began sucking eating each other’s faces off , I walked over to Delsanra . Her eyes were open but she looked exhausted .

the back of her head , I kissed her forehead . Her pale eyes met mine and I silently promised that she was going to be fucking ok … ” Where’s pretty boy ? ” ” Rayhan ? Dante wanted to talk to him . ” She sounded amused and I frowned slightly , nodding

cousins are fucking bonding . ” She gave a weak nod and I stood up , going over to Maria , who stood up . She looked a bit better than she did on video call . I didn’t say anything , hugging her tightly . Every time I saw her , I remembered Raf . No matter how long fucking went by , I couldn’t forget him or get over his loss I had lost many in life ,

turning to the girls . ” Nice hair . ” ” Thank you , Daddy . ” Kataleya replied , her eyes bore into mine , I knew she wanted to ask me if I had done anything about finding the pup . Even if I brought him here , I did not plan on allowing her to meet him … I glanced at Raihana , that was a spell we were going to do later . One I knew Kiara was not going to fucking approve of . ” I’m going to

, it was weird not seeing him downstairs , annoying the hell out of me as he talked to Delsanra and complimenting her on how she looked

guards was sitting on the sofa in his room . He stood up , lowering his head to me before he left the room , leaving us alone . ” Ray …. ” Dante said , frowning slightly as he sat up . His aura filled the room , and I knew that when he did shift

head and I sat down looking at him . He had some music playing in the background , but it was

eyebrow . ” I’m surprised you weren’t downstairs to greet her , considering you are usually always the first at the door . ” I smiled slightly . ” What’s wrong ? Not up to it or just don’t want to see her anymore ? ” I asked lightly . He frowned , his eyes flashing with irritation . ” Don’t say I don’t want to see her , I do … I just . ” He glared at me , crossing his arms as he sat up straighter . He stared down at the striped bedding , and I could sense his uncertainty . ” What’s up ? ” I asked ,

hate me ? ” He murmured hesitantly , shocking me , looking up at me with those ruby red eyes of his . 1 ” Why would I hate you ? ” I questioned confused . I heard Uncle silently come up the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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