34 Family ALEJANDRO 

Music was blasting loudly in the back garden of the mansion, but it felt like I was just watching it all happen. Like an outsider looking in, Kiara’s issue was echoing in my mind, but I was trying to act like nothing was f*****g wrong. Although aside from Kiara, I don’t think anyone would notice anyway. I had my walls up so she didn’t get f*****g worried, as I smoked a cigarette.

Kiara had invited the f*****g Arden’s although I wanted to rip that f****r to shreds after his comment about my girls, but for the sake of being the f*****g king I was being hospitable. I wonder if I could get the fuckers face tipped into the barbeque grill, might improve his f*****g pretty boy looks… 3

Rayhan, Delsanra and Dante were sitting on the balcony on the first floor, where Raihana had created an illusion so this f****r and his family couldn’t see them.

I glanced up at him and I smirked humourlessly, he was doing the exact f*****g thing I was, acting like s**t was ok as he showed Dante something on his phone. We were both worried for our mates yet trying to act f*****g normal…

I saw Rayhan take on the same exterior as when Raf died, remaining strong despite the pain inside. His mate was so weak she could barely sit up alone. The effect of the curse was making her health deteriorate fast. Obviously, it was probably f*****g with him like crazy, I just needed to break this f*****g curse.

This was probably the longest I’ve seen him and Dante get on without Dante pissing him the f**k off. I had heard their conversation that night and I had to admit the fuckers had their own kind of bond. I guess all brothers fight, it’s just who we are. Didn’t mean they didn’t care for each other. At least I know if I’m gone, he’ll have Rayhan. 3

I looked around the garden, taking a moment to observe everyone. Kiara had tried to get Enrique to join but he had refused. I wasn’t going to complain, I didn’t need the visiting Alpha Ken-f*****g-doll knowing more s**t than he already did His boys were currently talking to Chris. Whilst Maria was talking to Catherine and Kenneth, thank the f*****g goddess for her, or more so to Raf… She was raised in a wealthy home and was a proper lady or whatever you want to call it. Plus it f*****g showed in the way she was handling the Arden’s. My gaze wandered over to Kiara who was next to Darien and Serena near the grill, whilst the children played to the side with Raihana watching them, or more like taking selfies of herself. Allowing her magic to watch the children, she stopped the toddlers from venturing too far off.

Sienna was f*****g looking confused as always. I swear she’s going to f**k up the kids if she keeps using her magic and confusing her like that. 3

If she stopped looking at herself… She sure didn’t get bored of seeing herself. I swear if there was a way to be mated to yourself, it would be f*****g perfect for her, she loved herself far too much. 2

“Jealous of how amazing I look, uncle?” She asked flicking her hair. “Na, I was just wondering why the f**k you look like the f*****g Tin-Man from The Wizard of

Oz.” I smirked coldly. 2

Skyla cackled as Raihana pouted. “Not funny you little devil.” She said to Skyla before turning to me, “You know uncle, let me just give you a facial and fix up those brows and stuff. I swear you would look so much better.”

“You got your mate for that, I’ll pass.”

I watched Kataleya, who was more distracted, looking into the distance towards the bedroom windows on the first floor. None of these rooms belonged to Enrique, but she knew he was here… and she had wanted to see him again.

The thing was he refused to be around Kat, so even though he came here he was still happy to stay confined in his room. I didn’t trust that boy, he was still his father’s blood and I’m sure that Djinn had the f*****g power to locate him. Even his father hadn’t bothered to reach out to my message.

How to kill a Djinn… that was an answer I still needed. 1

I crouched down in front of Kataleya.

“Hey angel, want to play on the swings?” She shook her head, glancing toward the grilled food. “Can we take Enrique food?” She whispered. I didn’t miss Kenneth’s attention perking at what she said, and I cast him a cold glare. I knew he had probably done his own f*****g research on my pack thoroughly. I couldn’t stand him, and it was obvious he didn’t like me, I really need to get Elijah to share the reason he didn’t like this dipshit.

“I’m sure someone will, your mama won’t forget.” I replied, pinching her cheek lightly. She looked at me sadly, a small pout on her face. I think she needed therapy, f**k if Del wasn’t in the state she is, she would have been the perfect person for Kataleya to talk to. Having studied to go into this very field.

The trauma of the events still haunted Kataleya and it f*****g killed to see her smile was gone. She had gone from the happiest child around, one who would smile constantly to the quietest…

view I loved. She crouched down next to us, a gorgeous smile on her face as she held her arms out to

let’s take some

want to see her; this s**t will only

and make her remain in the hallway, she only wants to see him.’ She replied, turning and gazing into my eyes with those gorgeous ones of

got a plan,


gripping the back of her hair

forget me, Amore

the thought away, don’t

food upstairs to them?” Kiara

she meant the trio on the

never knew I was a f*****g waiter. I don’t


and more. A tray or two will do no harm.” Kiara replied with a small

you two exactly the same?” I turned, seeing Skyla was questioning the Arden twins. “How so?” One of

you both look exactly the same, were you cloned?!” “No, and we are not exactly alike.” The other one replied with a small

“I can tell.”

Skyla hurried off to play with Sienna who was currently playing in the ball pit now, with Raihana crouching down next to them and talking to her. She wasn’t the

the meat patties. ‘How is she today?’ Darien asked through

meant. Serena had been there when

forgotten we’re married.’

my f*****g all not to let my emotions show, flipping another

was thudding. ‘She’ll…. will it… I mean, will she be

but it makes the incentive to find this f****r fast even more vital. We have Dante and Del being run down with this curse, Kiara’s losing her memory, and the f****r’s son is on our pack grounds, who he doesn’t seem to care for. Times running the f**k out and I

are a pack, a family, and we do

gave a small nod, yeah, we

said her files are coming up classified. I think if we want answers, someone’s going to

Darien explained

on anyone else to do this… but I also

at ten.’ I let everyone who I needed there know through the pack link.

entered my home office, her face

checked on Kiara’s memory. Although I hadn’t asked in front of Kiara, I was f*****g worried to hear if Raihana managed to find something. She had just said to Kiara she wanted to check her over, which wasn’t exactly a lie and so Kiara hadn’t picked up on it. “No. I can’t seem to see anything blocking her mind or any sort of spell. This is something I feel totally at a loss with. I was thinking if I did some research maybe I can find something about

any for answers it’s going to be a f*****g risk and we are no way in f*****g hell risking Endora to come back in any form. I’ve made

too, I’m a Rossi, I’m capable of so much more than this.” She came over to the desk, and for a moment it was like the sixteen-year-old girl I first began to get to know

safe.” I frowned. “When we brought Enrique here, how far out do you think he was, any idea? You were clearly f*****g exhausted after.” “I’ve tried to open a portal across the oceans and I’m unable to, my limit is 400 miles give or take if I go by what I have tried to

s**t out already… “Yeah?

it out, and don’t worry I’m being

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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