Chapter 155

Lara caused a scene late at night in order to make Spencer suspect Seth’s

involvement in the matter. However, she underestimated Seth’s importance

to Spencer. With just a few words, Seth was able to corner her.

“It’s not safe for you to stay in the country anymore,” Seth declared firmly,

leaving no room for negotiation.

“What?” Christina turned to Spencer in disbelief. “Spencer, how can Lara stay

abroad on her own?”

Seth didn’t take Christina seriously and found her annoying to listen to.

Instead of engaging with her, he left the decision to Spencer.

Spencer looked at Christina with narrowed eyes and said seriously, “Didn’t it

occur to you that it wasn’t safe for Lara to go adventuring in Peru?”

Lara felt her hope drain away. Spencer’s question was as good as agreeing

with Seth’s suggestion.


“Stay abroad until the storm blows over,” Spencer decided. He leaned on his

walking stick and gave Lara a warning glance, saying, “Follow the rules even

when you’re away. I’ll send someone to keep an eye on you. Don’t go out

unnecessarily and prioritize your safety.”

Lara lost all hope. Although Spencer seemed concerned about her safety, he

was actually putting her under house arrest, afraid that she would cause

trouble outside.

didn’t seem to care. He

to everyone, “Shaffer Group is making

thanks to the efforts of

trouble will be dealt with.”

from the couch.

he had

“Come upstairs with me.”

the wall clock, an odd look flashing in his

he followed


Transaction fees:

still wanted to help Spencer up the stairs, but he

of checking on Lara?” Despite their

showed no courtesy when speaking to

Christina’s face stiffen under his icy gaze, but he felt nothing for

was the path she had chosen for

to walk it alone, especially since


few seconds after

around and said while walking, “Find yourself

a similar

you’ll be ridiculed by your children and grandchildren.”

something in his words and replied calmly,

ridiculous about you,

really angry. At the

you changed your secretary.”

Seth’s eyes, and he



Transaction Fees

been five years.

of personnel.”

in his eyes, Spencer glanced at him. Without making

sure you pay

delay things and hurt their

didn’t say a word but could already guess what Spencer would say

not getting

he asked Seth to come back today. “I don’t

time being,” Seth said honestly, so Spencer wouldn’t keep

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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