Chapter 281 

Roxanne was about to tell Lucian she could manage to pull herself up when he hugged her even more tightly. 

“Don‘t move. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to climb up.” His voice sounded a little hoarse. 

Roxanne felt a brief surge of strange emotion in her chest as she listened to his voice. She stayed still afterward and allowed him to carry her out of the hole. 

She broke away from his embrace right after they safely escaped the pit. 

“Mrs–Ms. Jarvis, you are so kind to Ms. Estella.” Cayden could not help but say wistfully. 

He had been utterly shocked when he saw Roxanne hugging Estella at the bottom of the pit earlier. 

Cayden was already surprised that Roxanne was willing to venture deep into the forest in the middle of the night to search for Estella. Unexpectedly, Roxanne even located Estella before 

them in the wilderness. 

it weren’t for Roxanne, they wouldn‘t have known how

smiled. “This is

at her and piped

was dazed for a few seconds before she made sense of his words. When she realized that he was comforting her, she did not know how to react.

is a wilful child. I did not stop Aubree in time and took proper care of Essie,”

to him. She pursed her lips and

on the ground and said with all seriousness, “I should

not found Estella first, they might not have been able to discover

had walked in that direction earlier because they coincidentally

Essie is. She was here for so long. She

heart ached when she was reminded of the way Estella bawled her

in low spirits as well. “We can

seem to have sustained

fearful that

of Cayden‘s unfinished sentence. Their faces

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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